Chapter 2

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I woke up at 6:30 in the morning while everyone's asleep then grabbed my luggage that I packed yesterday and called for a cab. It was a little dark outside as I was looking up at the sky while I waited for my cab. After 10 or 20 minute, give or take, my cab was here. While I gave my luggage to the driver to put it in the trunk, I looked back at the agency. In an instant memories came rushing back in my mind while hot tears run down my cheek. I thought that I could leave this place with my head up high while smiling but it seems that I couldn't hold back the tears.

As the driver calls me to get in the car, I quickly wipe my tears then went inside. As I got in, the driver started the car and asked...

" Where to?"

" Tokyo airport"

As I said that, the car started to move, I turned around and took one last look at the agency and Said...

" Good bye."

After that, I faced forward and never looked back...

After a while, I dozed off into a deep sleep but then I was awaken by the driver who has been shaking me for awhile now, telling me that we have arrived at the airport. As I looked at the time on my watch, it was already 7:20 in morning and my plane doesn't leave until 8:30 so that gives me enough time to check in and have something to eat.

I got out of the car, grabbed my luggage, thanked the driver then walked at the airport entrance.


" huh? Well, everyone seems to wake up early today on their day off." said Ittoki-kun with a smile as he walks in the lobby.

As he walked, he saw Ren standing by the window, Tokiya and Hijirikawa sitting on a sofa that was on the left side as syo and natsuki sit on the one at the right. They all stared at ittoki as he came in. Then Syo said...

" Yeah, We should all be sleeping until noon by now!" He laughed.

" huh? Where's Nanami?" Questioned ittoki-kun.

They all looked at each and either one of them had the slightest idea of where she is. then Ittoki-Kun said...

" I guess, no one has seen her these days."

There was a long pause because neither one of them remember the last time they have seen Haruka. they still stood quiet until some one said...

"The little lamb must be lonely." Ren said.

" You may be right." said Hijirikawa

" We have been too focused on our work that we haven't spend time with Nanami like how we use too." said natsuki with sad expression.

" Yeah" said Syo

They all fell silent again but then ittoki said

" Hey, why not go to her room and ask her to go out for breakfast? I mean, we all haven't ate breakfast, right?"

He was right, everyone haven't ate breakfast ate yet then moments later everyone's stomach started to grumble which made them all blush in embarrassment. then syo said...

" Why don't we all go get Nanami and head out to find something to eat?"

They all agreed so they got up walked into the halls of the agency to Nanami's room. As they got there, ittoki knocked on the door while saying...

"Nanami, wanna go out a eat with us?"

There was no reply so they tried again.

" Nanami? Come on, let's have breakfast together!" Said ittoki while trying be as convincing as possible.

" Nanami, come on!" Said syo

" Nanami." said natsuki

"Nanami" said Tokiya

" Nanami " said Hijirikawa.

" Little lamb" said Ren

After all that, they haven't heard one reply so they started to get worried that what if nanami hated them for not spending time with her.

Moments past and they were still standing at the door. meanwhile Cecil came walking down the hall and noticed all of them huddling in front at Nanami's room. his curiosity got the best of him so he came up to them and asked...

"Why are you all at Nanami's door?"

They all turned to Cecil then natsuki said...

" We were trying to invite Nanami to eat breakfast with us but we haven't had much luck."

" We think that she might be mad at us for not spending time with her" said Tokiya with a worried expression.

They fell silent at that thought so did Cecil because now that they mention it he hasn't spend time with her either. This got him so worried that he said...

" Well, why not ask her ourselves?"

As he said this, he walked right up to the door, grabbed the handle but as he was about to turn it, the guys held him back.

" What are you doing?!" Cecil said while struggling to break free.

" You can't just barge in!" Said ittoki while holding him back by the left arm.

" Why not?!"

" Because it's Nanami's room!" Said syo while tugging the back of his t-shirt.

As everyone was trying to hold Cecil back, Ringo sensi just happened to be there when he noticed a lot of people at Nanami front room. so as he came to get a closer look, not to his surprised, it was the boys who were at the door. Ringo looked closer at the scene and it seems the boys are fighting so he stepped in and said...

" what are you guys doing at Nanami's door?"

As the boys heard that familiar voice, they stopped fighting, turned their heads and face Ringo sensi while looking down.

Ringo looked at each one of them and asked...

" Now will you explain to me what is going on?"

Ittoki explain everything that happened up until now as he apologizes for his behavior and so did the others. Ringo sighed then said...

" Out of all the days you chose now to go see her?"

" Well, today's our day off so we thought that we should see nanami but it doesn't seem she wants to see us." Tokiya said while looking at Haruka's door with sad expression.

" She's not here, if you think she's in her room." said Ringo with his arms acrossed.

" What do you mean not here." asked Cecil.

Ringo looked at each one of them thinking that perhaps haruka didn't tell them yet. that would explain why they are here and not at the airport seeing her off.

Ringo sighed over the fact and said

" The president gave haruka a job yesterday and she took it. so she going to spend the next two years in New York. she didn't want to tell you guys because she didn't want you guys to worry and besides you guys were so busy that she didn't know when was a perfect time to tell you. And besides it too late to change her mind because her flight leaves in 30 minutes."

There was only silence when Ringo finished talking so he looked up and saw that the boys weren't there. so she thought that probably they ran to the airport when they heard Haruka's flight was leaving in 30 minutes.

She laughed over that fact because those boys really do care for her. But she knows that someday, haruka must make a hardest decision as to chose who will be with her. she knows that the time will come but what she didn't know is when...


I tried my best to make this chapter a interesting as possible but don't worry because the fun is only just beginning.


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