Chapter 3

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Once I got in the airport, I had already got myself checked in and now I'm looking for a good place to eat breakfast. I have to choose fast because my stomach is already growling louder than it already is. As I was worried about my stomach, I smelled something so delicious that it made me drool a puddle so I followed this addicting smell until I came upon a shop. That smell I was following was the freshly made Ramen. Ugh, just looking at the ramen made my stomach even louder so I ordered one to go because looking at the time that I have, My flight leaves in 30 minutes. So I took the ramen and ran to the gateway entrance also by doing this I finally know that I'm really leaving Tokyo.


As the guys found out that haruka's flight was leaving in less than 20 minutes, they ran and got a cab then headed to Tokyo airport. During the ride, it was silent like no one even dare to speak because their minds were filled of haruka. But then ittoki said....

" I can't believe that haruka didn't tell us."

" what did you expected, we haven't been able to see her for sometime." Tokiya said stating the obvious.

" But her not telling us a news as big as this. It's just not like her." Said natsuki.

" she thought that if she were to tell us, we could've prevent a way for her to not going or even beg the president to let us come with her. " said Hijirikawa.

" there is no denying that." Said syo

" and even if she were to tell us, we would have been too busy to hear what she has to say." Said Ren.

As he said this no one even denied it because it's true. But one thing they do understand is that haruka can't go to New York because they need her. After a long silence, tokiya's phone rang and when he checked the caller ID , it was Ringo sensei. He answer the phone and said...

" hello?"

" tokiya, put me on speaker." She said

When he did, the other boys were hundled up around tokiya to listen to what she has to say.

" did you put me on speaker?"

" yes, we could all hear you." Said natsuki

" okay, so as of now I know that you guys are almost to the airport and trying to get haruka to come back but listen what I have to say. Let haruka go New York."

" what?!" They all said.

" Look, haruka has to experience things by herself and I understand that you guys want to protect her but she could fight her own battles. So if I were you, I would support her decision and see her off."

They all fell into to a deep silence because maybe Ringo sensei was right, they can't always be there to protect her and besides it not like they are going out with her. ( yet) the silence was broken when Ringo sensei said...

" well, it seems that I made my point and I'm guess you guys know what to do."

After this was said, Ringo ended the call. The boys knew that it was about time that they let haruka stand on her own. So after that long time of thinking, the boys finally arrived to airport so before going in , they have to put on disguises. Once they were ready, they paid the cab driver and got out of the car to the main entrance then started to find haruka fast because her flight leaves in 10 minutes.


" ah... That was a good breakfast and now all I have to do is wait for 10 minutes until my flight arrives." Haruka said without a care in the world.

But then a thought crossed her mind which made her sad because around this time, the boys should be here to see her off. But how can that be because she didn't even tell them that she was leaving. Tears ran down from her eyes of that thought then she heard the call for her flight. So she got up, grabbed her luggage and got on the plane.

As for the boys...

They ran into the entrance and headed for the check in desk. Out of breath ittoki said...

" where is the plane that leaves for New York?"

" hold on for a moment and let me check." Said the lady as she checks on her computer. But when she looked up she said...

" I'm sorry but that flight leaves in five minutes, I'm afraid you'll never make in time."

" but where is it?"

" It's at gate 6 but Sir--Sir!?"

After hearing what gate the flight was in the boys rush towards it, hoping that they'll make in time to see haruka off but as they got there, the plane had already left. They all ran towards the window and saw the plane that was leaving for New York take off. Then one by one with a sad expression they said...


As for haruka...

As the plane had already taken off, I Looked out of my window seat and saw that Tokyo city getting smaller and smaller as the plane went up to the sky. Then slowly I drifted off into a deep sleep. By the time I woke up, the plane had already arrived in New York. It was snowing but of course it's January and good thing bought a jacket because I didn't know that the weather in Japan would be the same as here. The passengers were leaving, I grabbed my stuff and exited the plane. When i exited, i also exited the airport.

As of now, im standing on the pickup sidewalk with an amazed expression on my face whiling looking at the tall buildings. Im a little nervous because I have a bad habit of getting lost, but i remembered that ringo gave me a map with detailed directions to where my hotel is. So with a sigh of relief, I started walking half way when my phone rang...

" Hello?" I said...

" Haruka? Hello?" Said the cracking up voice which wasn't hard to recognize.

" Ringo-sensei?" I said just trying to make sure.

" Yes, can you hear me?" He asked with the phone still cracking up.

" a little but it's enough to hear you. So what is it?"

" I just wanted to know that if you arrived there safely."

" yes I did. You don't have to worry." I said while looking at the map and walking.

" well, that's good. So were they there to see you off?" He asked with an exciting tone.

" who?" I asked in confusion.

" the B---"


I didn't hear what ringo sensei said because before he could finish his sentence, I saw lights coming towards me and everything went black. This was the beginning of a new journey, the story of how I became an IDOL!!!

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