chapter 14

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Once we all stepped out of the car, I looked at Kou and he looked at me. And we both realized that this is it.
" Fighting!" we both said in unison as our fist was in the air.
Then we walked into the airport.
~end of recap~
When we enter the airport, we were able to check out our lugagge, get our plane tickets and board the plane without any problems. It has been 11 hours since we have left the airport at 12 in the morning. Now, it is 9 pm at night and judging from the plane's window, the sky was pitch black. I couldn't see the stars in the sky since we were so high up in the sky. Instead of the stars, all i saw the blinking lights that was on the plane's wing. Its only five more hours until we land in Japan. I was too excited to sleep but I wouldn't say the same for Kou. The minute the sun went down, he was out like a light. Luckily, he did not have any nightmares so far.
Bored out of my mind, I looked around to see what the others were up to. I stood up slowly and peeked up from my seat. When i peeked out from my seat, the first thing I saw was ittoki and Tokiya sitting behind Kou and me. The first thing i noticed was Ittoki sleeping by the window while he had headphones on. I could almost here what type of music he was listening to. I think he was playing one of Starish hits. i listened closely to hear what song he was listening to.1000% love is the name of the song that Ittoki was listening to. I know that because I remembered the melody of that song from when the guys performed it at the audition. It was such an amazing that i even sing it sometimes. Meanwhile, Tokiya was sleeping right next to ittoki. He had his arms crossed and his eyes fully shut. It looked like to me that these two had a very exhausting day. After a few moments of watching these two sleeping peacefully, i started to what tbe other guys were doing. So, I looked around the room again and saw Ren and Masoto.
They were also exhausted. Ren had his arm on the chair handle while he laid his face on his hand. Masoto had his head leaning on the window with a pillow in between.
In front of Ren and Masoto was Syo and Natsuki. Syo was snoring with his mouth open and had a weird sleeping pose on. He looked funny as he slept. i made me want to pull a prank on him but I had to restrain myself. Natsuki, on the other hand, was sleeping quietly while holding his stuffed piyo-chan. It was so adorable.
As for Cecil, he was also sleeping soundly as he laid his full body on the two chair like a bed. He looked very comfortable. He was wrapped around in a blanket like a cocoon.
After looking what everyone was up to, I had the urge to go the bathroom. As I was about to get up from my chair, a lady walked passed me and went straight to the bathroom. I know she clearly saw me standing up to go to the bathroom but it's alright, there is a bathroom in coach section.the I stood up and carefully went over Kou without waking him up. As i made it out of my chair, I walked into the coach section. With one foot into the coach section, I was surprised with a baby's cry.
" Waaaaaaaaaaa!" the baby cried.
" Shut that baby up! I'm trying to sleep here!" said an angry passenger.
" I'm sorry." apologized the mother as she cradling her baby in her arms in order to calm him down.
The mother and the baby were a few rows down from where I was. The mother was trying her best to calm the baby down. But, cradling the baby had no effect. Instead, it just made the baby cry even more. With the passengers getting more upset with the mother not being able to calm her baby, I walked up to the mother and said, " Mind if I help you with your baby?"
" No, thank you. I don't want to be a bother to you" she said.
" I do not mind at all. I'm actually very good with babies." I said as I held out my arms gesturing her to hand her baby to me.
She was a little hesitant as first but realized that she tried everything she could to get the baby to calm down. She looked at the baby then at me. Then the mother carefully handed the crying baby to me.
"Shut that baby up!" said the same angry passenger.
"yeah!" said another passenger agreeing the angry passenger.
" Hey! " I screamed. " I know that you are all tired but screaming at the mother and baby will only make matters worse. Just by yelling, you are putting a lot of stress on the baby. So please, just give me some time to calm the baby down."
After I said that, the coach section became silent with the baby's crying the only thing that you could hear. I looked at the crying baby saw that he had blonde and i assume he has blue eyes. I didnt know for sure because I couldnt see his eyes when he was crying. He was wrapped around a blue blanket and had blue pjs on. I turned to looked at the mother and asked " What is his name?"
"Micheal." she replied.
I looked back at the baby and said with a smile, " Hi Micheal. I'm Star."
The baby paused for a moment and then continued to cry.
" Awe, what's wrong Micheal? I know how about I sing you a song"
" Twinkle twinkle, little--" I sang but then I was cut off by more crying.
" Okay, okay. You didn't like that song? Then I sing another one."
I started to think about a song that the baby might like but I couldn't decided on a song. I had to decide quick because there are a lot of anger passengers. At a time of desperation, a song suddenly came to mind and I started to sing with a soft voice.
" Amazing grace! How sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me!" I sang.
In the first class...
"I once was lost, but now I am found;
Was blind, but now I see." Star sang as it echoed to first class.
" hmmm?" said Tokiya as he woke up from a deep sleep. He sat up and looked around. "Is someone singing?" he questioned himself. Once he looked around, he noticed that Kou and Star's seat were empty. He got out of his chair and went to look for them. But to his surprise, he immediately found Kou. Kou was standing by the entrance to the coach cabin with his arms crossed and eyes shut.
" What are you doing?" asked Tokiya
" shhhh..." said Kou as he put his finger on to his lips. Then he pointed to the curtain. Tokiya stood up from his seat and looked through the curtains. Through the curtains, he saw Star holding a baby as she sang, " I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see."
Tokiya poked his head out of the curtains and then looked at Kou. Kou was still laid against the wall with his arms crossed while his eyes were shut. He quietly listened to Star's singing while putting a smile on his face. Tokiya looked back at Star and noticed that while she was singing, she had a warmth to her voice. Also, the song that she was singing brought back a memory from when he was at the hospital and he was singing with the children.
While remembering that sweet moment, he also remembered that it was the story that he told Haruka back when they were at school. He remembered that when he told her that story, she cried. Tokiya thought that she was so beautiful when Haruka cried. Remembering Haruka brought him happiness for a minute then sadness as he realized that he will never see her again.
" yahhhhhh" Ittoki yawned while ruining Tokiya's train of thought. " uh? Tokiya? Kou? What are you doing? asked Ittoki as he rubbed his eyes.
" Shhhh..." said Tokiya and Kou as they both pointed to the curtain.
Ittoki got up from his seat and looked through the curtains a saw Star singing.
" ehhhh!? That's Star!" said Ittoki as he poked his head out of the curtains to look at Kou and Tokiya. " What is sh--" Ittoki said until he was interuppted with a pillow thrown at his face.
" You're so noisy!" said Masoto a little annoyed.
" Sorry" said Ittoki as he rubbed his hurt noise.
" Why are you guys so noisy about?" yawned Ren.
" It's Star. She's singing to a baby." said Ittoki surprised.
" What is so surprising about Star singing to a baby?" yawned Syo when he woke up from deep sleep.
" It's not that... I mean... Just see for your self" said Ittoki while pointing to the curtain.
" alright then." said Masoto as he got up from his seat. Ren then follows him.
" Hey, Natsuki! Cecil!" said Syo as he tapped thier heads really hard to wake them up.
" Uh?" said natsuki as he blinked his eyes a few times to grasp what was going on.
" Why did you hit me, Syo? said Cecil as he got out of the his seat then himself wrapped with his blanket while rubbing his eyes.
" Stop whining and come on." said Syo as he pushed natsuki to get out of the way.
" Where?" asked Cecil while yawning.
" Just come." said Sup while grabbing natsuki and Cecil by the arm and dragged them toward the curtain.
As everyone was gathered by the curtain, they stood in awe as they saw Star singing to a baby. They all could feel the warmth of her voice and the soft embrace of each lyric she sings.
" ba-thump... ba-thump"
" Than when we'd first begun." I sang.
Once I was finished singing the song, i heard a light applause. i looked around and everyone was clapping even the rude passenger. I then turned my head down to see the baby and he stopped crying. In fact, he was fast alseep in my arms. He had the most adorable sleepy face. after admiring the baby's sleeping face, i passed the baby back to his mother.
" Thank you, Miss Star." The mother said with gratitude.
" No problem." I said with a smile.
When I said my goodbyes to the mother, I noticed a little green light shining at the side of my eye. I turned my head to the curtain that leads to first class. I knew that green light from so I giggled because I knew that the boys were watching me. So I walked back to my section and once I pushed the curtain aside, the boys were back to thier seats acting like nothing happened.
" You guys should give back thoughs acting awards because you can't act." I laughed.
" Awe, what gave us away?" said Syo hunching over his seat.
" Cecil's necklace." I replied.
" Huh? My necklace?" said Cecil in confusion while looking at his necklace.
" Yes, it was glowing through the curtains."
" Awe, Cecil! You gave us away!" said Syo while throwing the pillow at Cecil.
" ow! I'm sorry!" said Cecil.
" It's okay. so, why were you peeping toms watching me?" I asked.
" First of all, we are not peeping toms" said Syo. " Second, we were just observing you."
" Observing me?"
" Yes, your singing was amazing." said Ittoki.
" really?" I said in disbelief.
" Yes, it was quite beautiful." said Natsuki as everyone else nodded in agreement.
" Thank you." I said a little embarrassed.
" Just leave it Star to help others." said Kou sarcastically.
" Oh shut up kou." I said as I walked. back to my seat.
" Star?" said Tokiya.
" Yes?" I said as I looked over my seat to look at Tokiya.
" Why did you choose to sing that song? There were other songs to sing so why pick that one?" said Tokiya in a serious tone.
" I don't know, It just popped in my mind so I started singing it."
" I see." said Tokiya as he looked away as a sign for that the conversation ended.
" Why was he so serious?" I asked myself in my mind.
Pushing thoughts aside, i looked out of the pitch black window and found myself falling asleep as my eyes get heavier with each blink. Then I found myself fast asleep. By the time I wake up, I will be in Tokyo.
Thank you all for being patient. I'm sorry that this took so long. Please keep supporting me and I will promise I will put the next chapter as soon as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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