Chapter 10

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" That would explain, why she didn't call." Said Ren.

" We have to find her, she could be in trouble." Said natsuki with a worried.

" But without any contact from her and with many places to look for her in this city, it would take a lot of time to find her." Said tokiya.

" It doesn't matter, we have to find her!" Said ittoki.

" You're right!" Said Tokiya " Let's go!"

~End of recap~

In the morning...

When I woke up this morning I didn't see kou in bed, or at the breakfast cafeteria or anywhere. I asked everyone that I know if they have seen him but they said that they haven't seen him either. I wanted to talk about what happened yesterday between us. Did we fight? Is he mad at me? Did I say something to make him mad at me? I continued to ask these questions in my head multiple times and replayed our conversation last night to see if I said something to offend him or anything. If only I could just find him then maybe we could straighten things out.

But in the end, I couldn't find him anywhere. With all that walking that I did today, my legs feel like they are about to fall off. So I went up to my room and sat on my bed for a brief five minutes or so until I was ready to look for him again. As I was sitting, I replayed the conversation we had last night one more time to see if I was missing something. But all I could remember was that I mentioned the audition, asked what he thinks and then he just didn't talk after that. I thought to myself that maybe Tina was right that maybe he'll miss me if I win to go to Tokyo.  But that doesn't explain why he couldn't just audition with me to go to Tokyo together because Tina told me that he use to sing but now he doesn't.

" Ugh, this is so confusing!" I groaned to myself while putting my hands in my face.

While I was drowning  in my own misery, I heard little feet walking into my room and giggling. I looked up and saw the kids with goofy smilies on thier faces and coats on.

" May I ask why are you guys where wearing coats indoors?" I asked suspiciously.

" We are going to play outside in the garden" said one of the kids.

" And we want you to come and play with us." Said another.

" I don't mind but what did your nurses have to said about this?" I said as I raised an eyebrow. 

The children didn't want to look at me in the eye so I knew that they didn't get permission from thier nurses. So I said, " Well, since you guys didn't get permission then you guys are not going out." 

"Awwwww" They said in disappointment.

" please, Star, please" said one of the kids.

" Sorry, you know the rules." 

" Please!!!!" They said in unison.

" Okay, okay. Fine, but don't tell them that I told you it was okay, okay?" 

" Okay!!" They screamed.

I couldn't help myself they were so cute that when they begged I just gave in. Plus, going outside should take my mind off of Kou. I wonder where is he right now? Ugh, I'm thinking about him again! Maybe playing outside could be a good thing for me then maybe later on I could start looking for him again. 

"Come on, Star! Let's go!" Said one the kids.

"Coming!" I said as I grabbed my coat and headed for outside.

The kids and I ran all the way to the door that lends to the garden. Out of breath, I slowly opened the door and then cool wind started rush threw and into our face. As the door was wide open, the kids behind me ran through me and into the snow.  When they popped out, they started laughing because the snow was so deep. I even started laughing. After that, we started making snowmans and snow angels. With all the fun I'm having, all my troubles seem to have gone.

" Hey, everyone look who I found!" Said one of the children while ruining my train of thought.

I turned around to see who it was and it was Kou. 

" Kou..." I whispered under my breath. 

I just stood there watching him getting dragged by the hand across the garden towards us. He look normal like nothing bothered him. With each step he took, I felt my heart kept getting louder but I still kept watching him coming closer. Our eyes met but I immediately looked down because I didn't know how to face him. I mean, with the stuff that happened yesterday how can I pretend like nothing happened. 

" Hey, Kou lets have a snow ball fight. " said one of the boys at the far corner of the garden.

" Sure " said Kou as he change the direction where he was walking. 

I was relieved that he didn't come any closer because I wouldn't even know what to do if he did. This was too sudden because I was mentally unprepared.  I guess things are just a little awkward between us. But I don't want us to be this way. Kou, I'm so lonely.

" Star! Look out!" Screamed a kid.

I looked up to see what was going on but I was blinded by a white substance called snow. That snow ball was through with so much force that it made me fall to the ground. 

" Oh my god, star! Are you okay! I'm sorry!" Said the boy who threw the snow ball.

" it' s okay. It doesn't hurt?"  I said while the wiping the snow off my face. 

As I wiped the snow off my face, the first thing I saw was Kou but when I looked at him clearly, he turned around and walked away. I couldn't believe that he just left like that. I guess he was still mad at me but I didn't know it could hurt this much. My eye sight became blurry and that's when I knew that I was crying. My hot tears were sliding down from eyes in the cold air. I wanted it to stop but I couldn't control it. 

" Star! I'm sorry! Please, don't cry!!" Said the little boy as he was crying himself.

" it's okay, it doesn't hurt at all, okay?" I said while smiling but tears were still being shed. 

The little boy kept crying and so did I. Right now, I don't know what to do anymore. As I continued to cry, I felt something warm but wet on my face.

" huh?" I said to myself as I took off that warm yet wet thing from my face, I noticed that it was a damped cloth.

" Don't cry over such a small injury." Said kou as he took the cloth from my hand and place it on my face then patted around my nose. " does it hurt?" 

" Kou!" I said while crying. 

" Hey, why are you crying?" 

" Because I thought you hated me!" I said between tears.

Kou laughed after I said that.

" Why are you laughing at me?!" I said while still pouring out tears.

" Because you thought I hated you!" He said between laughs.

" You don't?" I asked in confusion.

" how could I ever hate you? " he said as he wiped away the tears from my eyes with his hand.

" then why didn't you say anything when I told you about the audition and why did you keep ignoring me!?" 

" That was because...." He paused. 

" Because of what?" I questioned.

" Because I would be worried if you went to Tokyo by yourself." he finally said.
Then a few Seconds later, I caught a glimpse of his ears as he tries to cover his face with one hand. Kou's ears were turning red." He's embarrassed?" I thought to myself. I couldn't help but laugh because he was so honest all of sudden when he said that. It was so cute but i understand why he was worried. To assure him i said, " Kou, I'll be fine by myself." 

" Yeah right. That's way I'm going with you." 

" What?" I said in confusion.

" I said I'm going to audition with you to go to Tokyo." 

" Whaat!?" 


Sorry it took so long. Had writer's block!!!

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