Chapter 12

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Her point of view....

The song ended and I was transported back to where I was before, on the stage. I opened my eyes and felt refreshed but I saw shocked faces. I was nervous because I thought that I did something wrong. There faces were in complete horror like they saw a ghost or something. Judging by thier faces, it looks like I didn't do good. I wondered how did I really do?

Boys point of view...

" What just happened?" They all said.

~end of recap~

It has been two days since the audition and we haven't heard anything from them yet. I was getting impatient because how hard is it to pick up a phone and tell us if we got in or not. I'm probably just exaggerating, at least that's what Kou said but I can't help it. I'm nervous because what if We didn't get in. Ever since the auditions, I have been staring constantly at my phone without putting it down even for a second. I was just staring at my phone waiting for their call like an idiot in my room, at the breakfast and even at school. Luckily, I wasn't caught by the teacher.

So staring at my phone became a routine for me. And it seems that I could multi-task now because I could brush me teeth while looking at me and even walk the NewYork without bumping into things or people. But I probably wouldn't call it a skill. Tina was worried about me because she always saw me inside with the phone so to make her less worried went outside, one day, and sat on a bench with my phone. The weather man said that it would be really cold today but I couldn't feel it because I was distracted. About sometime later, I heard little footsteps coming up to me but I didn't bother to look up to see who's footsteps I was hearing. The sound of the little footsteps came to a stop and I saw a tiny hand grabbing my phone and snatching it away.

" Hey!" I said while looking up.

As I looked up, I saw one of hospital kids running away with my phone. I immediately ran after them. As I was so close on catching this one kid that has my phone, he threw it to another kid and just when I was about two inches away from him. And when things couldn't get any worse, other kids joined in. My phone was passed around multiple times until I was exhausted. I was out of breath but I was determine to catch my phone. So once a kid threw my phone in the air, I ran to catch it. Without looking where I was going, I ran into someone and fell down on the cold snow. I looked up to see who it was and of course with no surprise, it was Kou. Also he caught my phone.
" May I have my phone back?" I said as nice as possible while holding out my hand
" No, you may not." He smiled. " Good job, guys. I could take it from here."
Once he said that, the kids scattered away into the hospital.
" You know that the nurses will have your head when they find out you took them outside without permission." I said while holding out my hand gesturing him to pull me up.
" I think I'll be fine." He said with confidence.
" Confident, aren't we? But are you confident enough from keeping me away from my phone? "
" No. But I am giving you a break from it." He said as he puts the phone in his coat pocket.
" Hey, what if they call? Give it back!" I said while trying to reach in his pocket. But he dodged me and fell in a pile of snow face first.
Kou laughed.
" I'm seriously gonna get you for this." I said while glaring at him.
" Sorry. Sorry." He said while still laughing. When he finished laughing he extended his hand to me. I slapped it away.
" Still mad because I laughed?" He said while looking down at me.
I didn't want to look at him because he made fun of me.
He crouched down and looked at me but stubborn me still didn't want to look at him.
" oh come on, star! Please look at me?" He said sweetly.
I told myself to not give in but I glance back at him and he was giving me the puppy eyes. I just couldn't resist.
" ugh! No fair! You know the puppy eyes are my weakness." I said while throwing snow in his face.
Kou laughed.
"So, I'm taking that you are not mad anymore?"
" How could I ever be mad at you?" I said while smiling.
" So it has been 30 minutes since you had your phone and that is a new record." He said sarcastically
" oh you could still joke. Just give me my phone" I said while trying to reach my phone.
" oh no you're still not getting this back." He said as he backed his hand away so that I will not get my phone.
" Kou!"
" Look. This is the first time we got your face off your phone. And we are not putting all our work to waste. " he said as he puts my in his pocket.
" wait, we?" I said confused.
" " We " as in everyone in the hospital. They have been worried about you." He explained.
" worried? Why?"
" why? Because you seemed all stressed out about the audition to the point that your not yourself anymore."
" Really?"
I really haven't noticed that I was stressing out and that it affected everyone. I made them worry.
" I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I cried while tears came out. " I made everyone worry because I was stressing out over a stupid audition!"
" Hey, hey. There is no need to cry." He said as he came to hug me. " You are not the only one stressing about the audition. We all are but we just have to be patience. Okay?"
" okay." I said as I smiled while a tear escaped from my eyes. I buried my face in his shoulder.
" well, well. It seems that we are interupting a moment here. " Said a familiar voice.
I broke free from Kou's hug and saw Tina with a hug crowd behind her. It was everyone in the hospital. From doctors to nurses and patients.
" What is everyone doing here?" I asked.
" Well, romeo over there called us out here to tell you that no matter what happens the results the audition, you are a star to us. You know that, right?" Said tina.
" I know. I'm sorry I made you all worry about me." I said as I looked down ashamed.
" What is there to be sorry about. We are all just as worry about how the audition than you because we saw how much you worked so hard. If the judges can't see that then screw them. Right, guy!?" She said as she turned her head to the crowd.
" Yeah!" Said the crowd in unison.
" you're a great singer, star!" Said one person in the crowd.
" We love you, star!" Said another.
I laughed and said, " Thank you, everyone!"
I looked back at Kou and smiled because he put this all together for me. I'm lucky to have him as a friend.
" Kou! Thank you!" I screamed as I pounced on him.
" woah" said Kou as we fell in the snow.
Then I heard laughter after we hit the ground. I gotta admit it was funny because Kou and i were covered in snow.
" huh? Hey, that's my ring tone." I said as I listened careful to the music.
Kou took the phone out of pocket and handed it to me. I looked at the caller ID and it was the producers from the audition. My heart suddenly dropped and I looked at Kou, who was also surprised by the caller ID. I took a deep breath and answered the phone.
" Hello?"
" Hello? Is this Star Mabuchi? " said the caller.
" Yes?" I said nervously.
" This is Mia, the producer from the talent show. I'm happy to announce that you and Kou Mabuchi are the winners for this year's talent show!!!!!"
" What!? REALLY!?" I asked in disbelief.
" Yes! Be sure to pack your things because your flight to Tokyo with the famous STARISH leaves two days from now!"
" Oh my god! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!!"
" Don't thank me. Thank your friendly judges."
" I will!!! Thank you!!!!"
I hung up the phone and looked at kou, who heard the whole conversion. I smiled as tears formed in my eyes and whispered, " We made it."
" We made it!!!!!" I screamed with joy then hugged Kou.
As I hugged Kou, Tina and the crowd screamed with joy.
" Oh my god! I can't believe this is happening! " Said Kou.
I broke free from the hug and looked at Kou, who looked so happy like a child on Christmas. I have never seen him this happy.
" You better believe it!!!!" I said even though I couldn't believe it myself.
Meanwhile at the hotel....
" Well, I finished contacting the winners." Said Mia to the boys that were sitting in thier living room.
" How did they take the news?" Asked ittoki, sitting in the couch.
" They were so surprised that they almost didn't believe me."
" hahah! Classic reaction!" Laughed syo as he was sitting on the handle of the couch
" Thank you, Mia. You may leave." Said tokiya as he was also sitting on the couch.
" You're welcome. Goodbye." She said as she bowed and left the room.
" This is great! The talent show was a success!" Said ittoki as he flopped on the couch.
" Yes, it was. A lot of talent but it's too bad that we had to pick one winner." Said Natsuki also sitting on the couch.
" It is a shame but it was a competition." Said cecil also on the couch.
" And there is only one winner in a competition." Said hijirikawa as he sipped his tea from his cup while also being on the couch.
" Now that the competition is out of the way, let's see if the president likes the people we picked as the winners." Said ren as he was by the window.
" That's true. But that's not the only problem we got. We still haven't found Nanami." Said tokiya.
" That's right. We have two days left before we leave and we all know that it won't be enough to find her in this big city." Said ittoki.
" then what do we do?" Said Natsuki a little worried.

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