Chapter 11

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I laughed then said, " Kou, I'll be fine by myself."

" Yeah right. That's way I'm going with you."

" What?" I said in confusion.

" I said I'm going to audition with you to go to Tokyo."

" Whaat!?"

~end of recap~


" Ugh, I'm exhausted!" Said Syo while throwing himself on the couch.

" Me too." Said ittoki.

" We have searched every hotel in the city and yet we still haven't found Haruka." Said Cecil a little worried.

" Maybe we have been looking in the wrong direction. We just have to keep looking." Suggested Tokiya.

" Let's do that another time. May I remind you that we have to judge the auditions in four days. We have a lot to prepare." Said hijirikawa

" He's right." Said Ren.

" We could look again when we all have the time." Said Natsuki

" You're right but the sooner we get our work done, the sooner we find haruka." Said tokiya.

At Boston hospital...


" Well, that was long sigh even for you, Kou." Said Tina while leaning against the door entrance.

" hmph, I'm guessing you heard." Kou said referring to his decision to audition with Star.

" Yeah, I came to congratulate you and give you these." She said as she walked over to him and gave him pills.

" And these are?" He asked.

" Those will help you feel better when you start feeling pain in the throat. " Tina explained.

" Thank but I won't be needing these" said Kou.

" why? You are cured and you haven't sang for a long so it might hurt at first so that why I gave you these. I'm sure, you'll be fine. "

" I said I'll audition with her but not by singing."

" Still scared?" She questioned.

" no, just careful."

" I know but when are you gonna tell star about your condition." She asked.

" When she gets her memory back." He replied.

" and if she doesn't ?"

" then I'm not gonna tell because my first priority is her getting her memories. I want her to be happy."

Tina sighes then said, " Boys in love are so passionate."

After that, Tina left. The room why silent until star come bargaining in and screamed, " Kou! Come on! We have to start practicing because we only have four days. Here is the song I want to do! And also here is a guitar that I borrowed from a doctor. And here is...!"

" Wooh, calm down. You're over thinking this and besides we'll do great."

" Yeah but you don't know how to play a instrument." I said a little worried.

" Who says?" Kou said as he picked up the guitar and play a sweet song.

" hey, since when did you know how to play?" I questioned.

" I was in a band in my highschool years."

" why stop? You are good. "

" let's just say, i grew out of it."

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