Part 1

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Just wanna say like my english grammar is not the best so if I write anything wrong don't judge me.
Enjoy reading!
⚠️•Trigger warning Bullying•⚠️

Pov Y/n:
*Bip Bip Bip*
Oh no the summer break is over and the school is starting. I really hoped I'd be just dreaming and that the break isn't over yet but yeah I guess I'm not dreaming... •Oh Hi you're reading my story that's cool I guess, I'll tell you some important things you have to know! So first of all me and my parents don't get along.. they always scream at me for literally everything I do, sometimes they even say they don't love me and they wish I'd have never came in their Life... but that's not it. In school I'm getting bullied because they say I'm ugly and fat and stuff like that it really hurts but it seems like no one cares at all. Not even my teachers, not even my parents. Oh and one last Thing... I have no friends... yeah my Life is not the Life everyone's dreaming about but I guess I'll just get through it. But I'll stop talking about my Life know...•

As I got up from bed I went straight to the Bathroom and brushed my Teeth did my hair and washed my face. I don't wear make up bc I don't feel like it. I went to my closet and looked for a good Outfit, As I found the perfect one I looked in the mirror and thought „Ugh why am I so fat..." (you are wearing a black jeans with an overzised sweater) I immediately brushed this thought of my mind as I felt some tears falling of my cheeks... I walked out of my room went downstairs in the kitchen as I saw my parents sitting at the table both reading in a newspapper. They didn't saw me at first but then as I walked to the fridge to get something to eat my mum looked at me and said „Don't eat you're already fat enough." I said nothing put the food I took out back in the fridge took my Schoolbag and ran out of the house. Tears are all over my face and I couldn't do nothing but just running to the bus stop and crying. Why are they like this? What did I do to them? Am I really that ugly and fat? Why don't they love me like parents should love their kid? All this thoughts flew through my mind and I couldn't help but just thinking about how my Life would be better if I were just skinny and beautiful like all the other girls in my school. The bus finally came I got in the bus sat down on an empty sit and took my phone out to watch some TikTok

The bus finally stopped at my school I went out the bus in the school and straight to my class. I'm so happy that this is my final year so I don't have to see this shitty school and those shitty kids again. Anyway I sat down in the last row and waited for the teacher to come and give us the information about our class. As long as I waited I draw in my book than someone came to me and said „Oh y/n still not skinny huh? What a shame." and that „someone" was my bully. „Leave me alone" you said in fear. „Oh fatty you know I won't" he said smirking „What the hell is your problem?" you said now angry. „th the fatty is angry HAHA" he laughed and walked away. You just hold back your tears as the teacher came in and the school finally began
[at home]
I was so tired as I came home from school, „why is everyone still so mean to my?" you thought as you lay down on your bed. Your dad came in and yelled „Y/n your such a disappointment!" „W-what have I done?" you asked in shock. „I got a call from school and guess what you hit the kid from your teacher?!" he yelled even louder. Your mother came in and said „she did what?!" „but I swear I didn't.." you defended yourself „I don't wanna hear another word from you!, pack your things and leave!" your dad yelled. What. Leave? They wanna kick me out? For something I didn't do? But where should I go then? „But.." „NO BUT GO NOW" your mother yelled. You just run upstairs crying in disbelief. They kick me out? For nothing? They don't believe their own daughter? I don't know how I should feel about this. So I did what they wanted me to do, I packed all the things I could need went downstairs but before I left I turned around and said „You shouldn't have got a daughter if you don't know how to love her" and with that I left. But were should I go? I don't have a family member who lives in England. They all Live in Argentina. But wait.. I have an Uncle who lives in Spain. I think Barcelona, maybe I could call him..? I mean he's the only one who alawys loved me for who I am. I thought about it for a moment but then decided to call him...
U= Uncle Y= You

U: „Hello y/n nice to get a call from you, what do you need querido?"
Y: „Hey..."
U: „Hey querido what happened?"
Y: „They kicked me out..."
U: „what?! Why the hell did they do that?"
Y: „someone called them and told them I hit a kid.. but I didn't do it why would they kick me out xavi..?"
You now said in tears
U: „Hey querido it's okay, you can move to me I have a room for you and I'll take care of you querido"
Y: „really? But How should I get to you..?"
U: „I know how I'll sent you with someone he's in London right now so you 2 could fly back together I promise you he's friendly"
Y: „Um okay i guess.."
U: „okay then I'll tell him to meet you at the Airport in an hour okay? I'll sent him a picture of you so he knows who he should meet"
Y: „ Okay Uncle Te amo" (love you)
U: „ También te amo" (love you too)

Okay well how should I get to the Airport? Oh I know I'll just call an Uber I still have some money left and I guess my Uncle paid for the ticket so I don't have to worry. So I called the Uber and he came 10 minutes after. 30 Minutes Later I'm finally at the airport I guess I'll just have to wait.. I sat down and looked at my phone and like 10 Minutes later someone said my name I looked up and saw a boy I think he's my age or a few years older but not much tho and wow he looks really nice...

Pov Pedri:

I was told from my coach to pick up his niece and take her with me to Barcelona so ofc I did it for him, he sent me a pic of her so I could easily find her and ngl she looks really nice I can already tell she's friendly and kind I hope we could be friends cause making new friends is always good but anyway now I have to find her I was already at the Airport so I can search her already, I was looking for her for like 10 minutes and then I saw her sitting on a chair looking at her phone I walked to her and said
„Hey y/n right?" I said and she looked up „Oh yeah. I'm y/n that's right nice to meet you.." „pedri" I said and accept her handshake. „so y/n our plane is starting in 30 minutes I think your uncle told you that he paid for you so you don't have to worry" „Oh yeah thanks, well wanna sit next to me?" „yes ofc" I sat down next to her and we talked for a while and as I already thought she's reall nice and pretty aswell I can already tell that we will be good friends...
Well that's it for now hope you enjoyed reading and the nex part will be up 🔜

Bound to fall in Love~ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now