Part 7

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The next morning I woke up and felt 2 arms around me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up. Omg Gavi? Why am I here. Oh yeah I remember I got drunk and He brought me to his home. Hell nah I feel the hangover fuck this alcohol, why did I get drunk anyway.

I was lost in thoughts that I didn't realise gavi woke up. „Morning" he said with his raspy voice rubbing his eyes. „Good Morning" I said. „Did you sleep well?" Gavi asked sitting up. „Yep but I have a bad hangover" I admitted.

He stood up without saying anything and walking in his bathroom. I was slightly confused of this action but he came back with a tablet and a glass of water in his hands. „Here take this" he said handing me the things. „Thanks" I answered taking it...


„Do you maybe have a spare toothbrush?" I asked after finishing breakfast. „yeah come with me" Gavi replied standing up and I followed him. „Here" he handed me a toothbrush. I took it and began to wash my teeth as he did the same.

„I have trainig now wanna come with me?" Gavi asked walking out of the bathroom. „Yeah sure but can I maybe borrow some clothes you know because I don't want to show up in a dress." I said unsure. „Yeah ofc just take whatever you want" he said „I'm going to prepare my training things while you're changing" he added. I nodded and walked into his room opening his closet. I took grey sweatpants and a jersey with his name of course. I quickly changed into it took my dress and walked down the stairs where gavi was already waiting for me.

He looked me up and down and I looked at him confused. „What?" I asked. „Nothing you just look cute in my jersey" I turned red and thanked him. We walked out of the door and I saw Pedris car. I looked at Gavi and then Pedris car. I began to ran to the passenger seat before Gavi could even complain I opened the door and sat down. „Hi pedriiii" I said in a fun voice causing him to laugh. „Hey y/nnnnnn" he replied mocking me. Gavi got in the backseat crossing his arms. „Hey angry Bird" pedri said. And Gavi looked at him with a sarcastic angry look. We all burst out laughing and Pedri began to drive.

At the Stadion we walked in and Gavi y Pedri went to the changing rooms while I walked to the field.

At the field I saw my uncle and as he noticed me he stood up and ran to me. „Hey Y/n you know how worried I got." he said slightly angry. And now only do I realize that I forgot to tell him that I'm staying at Gavis. „Omg Xavi I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you.. I stayed at Gavis because I was so tired I couldn't get home that night and Gavis home was near the club so I-... yeah." I bursted out in one breath looking at the floor. „It's okay.. I was just worried that's all, but I see Gavi took good care of you." he said looking at my clothes. I blushed and shouted „oh come on it's because I didn't want to show up in a dress" „whatever you say" he said laughing. And after that the players got on the pitch.

Gavi and Pedri came to me hugging me. Obviously I hugged them back. „Have fun at training" I tell them. They both thanked me and they ran to the others. I sat down on the grandstand and watched them training for a while. But then decided to look at my phone for a moment and I was shocked when I saw who texted me...


Hey you brat where the hell are you come back home or we'll serach you and you don't want to know what will happen"

What the hell. I am scared. What will happen if they actually find me. Will they take me back to England? No. That can't happen. I'm so anxious in that moment so I just stood up and ran to the toilets and sitting on the floor laying my head in my knees and began to cry. This is all to much...


My Breath began to get heavier and I couldn't control it anymore. My hands began to shake and tears where falling down my face. My mind went crazy. I'm scared... what is happening to me?

I heared the door open and I saw a worried Gavi running up to me. He kneeled down to me and took my hand.

„Hey y/n It's okay I'm here just breath" he said in a comfort voice. Oh how I love his voice... I tried to breath normally but failed. „Breath with me" Gavi said „One..." „two..." „three..."
He repeated and I slowly began to calm down. „You're good now I'm so proud of you.." he said looking in my eyes with s warmth smile. I wrapped my hand around him and laying my head on his chest. He hugged me back laying his head on mine. We sat there in comfortable silence just enjoying each other's company.

•Tw end•

Thanks you Gavi really" I whispered. „Wanna tell me what happened?" he asked in a soft voice. I hesitated for a moment but the decided to tell him. I mean I can trust him right? „my mother texted me..." I started. „You have to know that the reason I'm here is because my parents kicked me out" I said. I wait for a moment before I continue. „And now she texted me that If I won't come back they'll serach me and when they'll find me she will do something I don't wanna know" I started to get some tears again. He hugged me even tighter. „May I ask you why they kicked you out?" he whispered while rubbing my back. I looked up to meet his beautiful brown eyes. This boy makes me so nervous and I don't even know why..

„I got bullied in school... For few reasons but the main reason was my weight" I started and now I'm crying again, „My bully lied to the teacher, the teacher is also his mum, that I hit him, I tried to tell my parents that he's lying but they didn't believe me and kicked me out" I cried out. We hold eye contact and I can see compassion and a bit of... anger?

Gavi pov:

It makes me angry to hear what people do and say to a beautiful girl like her. Y/n is beautiful and I mean it. She stared into my eyes. Gosh her beautiful eyes. Even if they're are full of tears they're still beautiful.

„Pablo..?" she began to talk and I snapped back to reality. „Yeah?" I asked her. „I need to go home I can't be here any longer I need to rest" she whispered. „I understand I'll ask Pedri to bring you home I'm sure Xavi will understand" I answered back.

I stood up holding my hand out for her. she took it and I helped her up. We walked out of the bathroom. Y/n wipped away her tears and put on a tiny fake smile. As we entered the Pitch we saw Xavi and Pedri talking while the others were doing something else.

„Hey uncle Xavi, hi pepi" Y/n said. Pedri blank stared her causing y/n to laugh. „Hi Y/n what's up" Xavi asked. „Could Pedri and Pablo bring me home I don't feel well" she lied. Xavi looked at her in worry. „Ofc, go rest and I'll check on you when I come home" he said. And with that Y/n gave me and pedri a „come with me" look and we followed her to Pedris car. As we got to the car we got in and Pedri started to drive...

Words: 1351

Bound to fall in Love~ Pablo GaviWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt