Part 8

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~New friend~

The next day I wake up with the sun shining in my face. Yesterday Gavi and Pedri brought me home and I immediately went to bed, after saying goodbye to them ofc

Today is Matchday, Barca vs. Athletico Madrid, I'm super excited for that Game because they're both amazing clubs and It will be a nice and exciting game.

I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I know I said I don't use makeup but today I felt like putting some mascara on. After I've done that I put on a oversized T-shirt with some sweatpants. A nice chilly outfit.

I decided that a little walk wouldn't hurt so I got down the stairs only to meet Xavi on the way to the door.

„Buenos días mi querido, you feeling better today?" Xavi asked looking at me while sitting on the kitchen table. „Buenos días, yes I'm feeling much better actually I was just about to go for a walk, adíos see you later" I said while going out of the house. I planned to go for a walk along the beach and then maybe get some breakfast at a cafe or something like that.

As I was walking on the beach I decided to sit down for a bit and just enjoy the sun. So I sat down on the sand with my arms around my knees and closed my eyes. It felt good and relaxing.

After a while just sitting and thinking about random stuff, I got up and continued walking. Before I could even recognize anything I felt myself bumping into someone. I fell on the floor.

„Oh dios, I'm sorry I didn't look where I went" a girl my age said. She gave me her hand and I accepted it. „It's okay I didn't look either all fine" I told her. „I'm y/n btw" I said and gave her my hand. „Melissa" she said and shook my hand. „Pretty name, well I wanted to go to eat some breakfast maybe you could join, only if you want ofc" I said a bit nervous now. „Ofc I don't have anything to do anyway so I'll gladly join" and with that we went to a cafe near the beach. We sat outside and began to talk I have to admit she's really funny maybe we could get friends that would be nice

As the waiter came we ordered our food and talked for a while, „Um Y/n could I maybe get your number?" she asked looking a bit afraid of what I could answer. I smiled „Ofc give me your phone" I said and she handed me her phone. After we got our food we ate

We finished eating and decided to take some pictures on the beach

We finished eating and decided to take some pictures on the beach

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Y/n added her story

„Hey Melissa wanna come around mine?" I asked her. „Yeah sure why not" she answered and we made our way back to my new home. „Btw I have a question?" I began, „go ahead" she replied „I'm going to a football match today wanna join? Would be nice so I'm not all alone." I questioned her, a smile grew on her face „Sure why not, which Match?" she asked, „Barça" I replied quickly, „wait isn't it to expensive? I couldn't afford it" she meant „don't worry about that believe" I said „Okay I trust you I guess." she said

As we got to the house we got in and we were greeted my Xavi „Hey querido who's this?" He asked. „Oh that's Melissa, Melissa this is my uncle Xavi" I said, I looked at her she smiled and hold out her hand to shake his hand and he gladly accepted it smiling „Nice to meet you" Melissa said „nice to meet you too" Xavi answered, „well I'll leave you two alone now I have to go to training, Y/n pedri will pick you up for the game so be ready at 5 p.m" he said „I will but um Xavi could Melissa come with us?" I questioned „ofc she can I'm glad that you found a friend" he said „thank you you're the best" I said hugging him

As I walked to my room Melissa followed after me, in my room I sat on my bed and so did she, „You didn't tell me that you're uncle is the Barcelona trainer?" she said „yeah sorry about that" I said looking down „all fine, btw I'm a big fan of Barca but I didn't want to look like a crazy fan yk I would never use someone for fame or anything just letting you know" She said a bit unsure „I know you wouldn't" I said „sooo Pedri is picking us up?" she asked trying to hide her excitement but truly failed „Haha yeah he is" I said winking, she rolled her eyes while laughing. „So tell me about you" I said „well I'm Melissa I'm 18 years old and I'm half English and half Austrian" she said „cool I'm Y/n 17 and half spanish and half argentinan" I said, we talked and forgot the time

We heard the clock and I went to look. „Oh Hi Pedri you're already hear?" I asked confused „yes it's 4:50 p.m only ten minutes earlier" he said, Oh shit I forgot the time, „wait a sec I have to change brb" I said while running up „Come on Pedri's here here get changed" I said while handing her my Barca shirt with Pedri's name on the back she took it and changed, while I changed in my other Barca shirt with Gavis name on the back.

„Wait Pedri's here? omg omg omg" she said while freaking out, I burst out laughing at her excitement. „Calm down everything will be fine" I told her „now come on he's waiting" I said while walking out of the room. She follows me. As we got downstairs we got Pedri stood there looking at his phone, „Pedri" I said and he looked up. „This is Melissa she's a friend of mine" I continued while pushing her in the front because she was standing behind me. „Why hello then Melissa" Pedri said and I could swear I saw him blushing. „Hi.." Melissa said still trying to figure out if it's a dream or not. I had to chuckle, „well let's go now you have a Match to win" I said. „Yeah btw Gavi's here too" Pedri said while walking to his Car. As we got in the car me and Melissa ofc sat in the back.

„Hey Gavi, this is Melissa btw my friend" I said and Gavi turned to look at us „nice to meet you then" Gavi said smiling „yeah same I've heard alot about you" Melissa said. Oh no that's embarrassing I've told her about Gavi while we were in my room..

I began to get all red and hide my face in my hands. „Melissaaaa" I said. All three began to laugh and I looked out of the window

Gavi pov

„Yeah same I've heard alot about you" said Y/n's friend, wait y/n told her about me? I felt butterflies in my stomach but brushed them off, I began to laugh because I thought it's cute that she talked about me, Melissa and Pedri joined me and laughed aswell,

Y/n found it really embarrassing and looked out of the window. She's so cute.. I thought. I think I'm starting to get feelings for her...
I don't know but I think it's kinda cute, but anyway next chapter will be out soon.
1284 words

Bound to fall in Love~ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now