Part 2

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Pov Y/n:
Me and Pedri talked for a while and he was really nice. Wow I didn't know that I would find a friend so easily here but I guess I was wrong „Pedri I have a question how old are you?" I asked a little shy. „Oh I'm 20 and you? He replied confidently „I'm 17" I meant. We talked again and we got to know each other more „Y/n could I maybe get your number cause you're really nice and I'd like to keep in touch if you want" pedri said „Oh yeah sure" I said and took his phone to tap in my number. „Flight 204 is starting in a few minutes please get in the plane" we heard, so we stood up and got in the plane. Luckily we got to sit next to each other and ofc I got the seat with the window hehe. The flight was pretty chill me and pedri talked and then he fell asleep so I was on my phone, I was on instagram and searched for „pedri" maybe I could find him and OMG he has a lot of followers woah okay he's a famous football player? That's so cool and then I remember my Uncle Xavi told me a year ago he got a job as coach for Fc Barcelona and I guess Pedri plays in Fcb. Wow that's really cool but ofc I'm friends with him bc he's nice and not bc he's famous bc that would be so wrong and who would even do such a thing? Anyway I followed him maybe he will see it but I don't think so bc it seems like he's getting a much followers in a short time but who cares..

Pov Pedri:

I woke up and I saw y/n on her phone. She's on insta Oh she found my profile I hope she still sees me the same and not as the famous Football player. As I saw that she followed me I slowly took my phone and followed her back. As she got the Notification that someone followed her she looked at it and then looked at me, „Oh you're awake" she said quietly „yes I am haha" I said a bit embarrassed „Hey pedri you should know only bc your famous doesn't mean that I will use you for fame I still like you the same I won't see you different" she said smiling, well now I'm calm, „You're a real friend thank you." I said and smiled back.

When we landed we got out the plane and we waited for Xavi to come and pick us up. We waited for like 10 Minutes and then we saw him and y/n ran to him and gave him a big hug...

Pov Y/n:

As we waited for like 10 Minutes we finally saw him and I ran to him and hugged him, I'm so happy to see him again.. „Uncle Xavi, Te extrañé!!" (I missed you) I said „yo también te extrañé" (I missed you too) he said hugging me back. Pedri was walking to us and gave Xavi a quick hug „hello pedri" he said smiling „hello coach" he said smiling back. We then went to go to Xavis Car. We sat in thr car Xavi was driving obviously me next to him and pedri in the back. Xavi drove pedri to his house. He said goodbye and got out the car. So now it's only me and my uncle. We got to his house and seemed really nice and big ofc. He showed me my room and it looked really nice and I even have my own Bathroom wow. „Y/n I hope you like it and I have trainig now wanna come with me?" „ofc I like it and yeah I would love to come with you" „perfcet well then come on get in the car" he said. I got in the car and we drove to camp nou. It was really big like lmao and there are so many doors I would easily get lost haha. „I need to go just get to the field and sit down on the grandstand" he said and walked away. Wait no how should I get there if I don't know the way help- „wait-" no he's already away how should I find the way? I know I'll just open every single door. Yep this will take a while. I already opened like 20 doors and still didn't find the right one. A few doors are left as I opened the next one I was in pure shock. I was in the changing room of the players they all don't wear shirts and ofc all noticed me „I-I" I couldn't even get a word out of me. I went all red and my eyes are far open. „I got this boys" some boy said I think his in my age. Still in shock he brought me out the room and closed the door behind him. „Um if you're a fan please get out you can get photos after the match. But how did you even got in?" he said in a annoyed voice. „Um I.. I'm not a fan I'm the niece of Xavi I just got lost.." I said still not really focused bc he stood without a shirt in front of me and I just had to stare.. what the hell y/n?? I think he nodiced I was staring bc he got red and looked away. „Well um wait here" he said and got back in the room. A few seconds later he got back with an shirt on. Now I noticed how Beautiful he looked. WAIT NO- but those Eyes are so pretty you could easily get lost in them. He looked me in the eyes for a few seconds but then said „um I'll show you the way to the field" And then walked away and I went after him...

Pov Pedri:

As me and my teammates got changed as normal a girl came in and seemed really embarrassed. Oh wait it's Y/n Oh I guess she came with her uncle and then got lost. I wanted go speak but then Gavi said „I got this boys" and brought her out the room and closed the door. A minute later he came in again and took his shirt and walked back out the room...

Pov Gavi:

Me and the boys just changed for the training as usual. But the suddenly a girl came in and got red. Ugh is this a fan or something how did she even got in? „I got this boys" I said and walked up to her brought her out the room and closed the door. „um if you're a fan please get out you can get photos after the match. But how did you even got in?" I asked s little annoyed. „Um I.. I'm not a fan I'm the niece of Xavi I just got lost.." she said shyly. I caught her staring and got red. Embarrassing!. „Well um wait here" I said and walked in the room to get a shirt I then go back out and made eye contact. Have I mentioned how beautiful she is- wait Gavi what the hell? But her eyes are so pretty. NO- „um I'll show you the way to the field" I said now awkwardly. I walked passed her and she went after me. As we got to the field I said „here we are" she said „thanks for showing me the way" I said no problem and get back to the changing room...
Part 2 yay I'll get to write the next part now.

Bound to fall in Love~ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now