Part 13

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~The Date Invitation~

The next morning I wake up with the sun shining in my face. I feel someone next to me and I immediately knew who it was.

I look up and I see Gavi. I'm still laying in his arms. This made me blush like a creep. He looks so cute when he's asleep. And this made me realize I definitely like him more then I should. I'm mean who wouldn't like him? He's perfect...

„Morning" I hear him say which snapped me back to reality. And once again he caught me staring. That's so embarrassing. Why am I so obvious?

„Morning" I replied looking away. „What's the time?" he asked sitting up. I take my phone from the nightstand „6:50 a.m" I replied

„Shit breakfast is in 10 Minutes" Gavi meant getting up. „Oh shit I'm gonna change real quick" I said getting clothes from my closet.

„Yeah I'm going back to my room, see you at breakfast" Gavi said kissing my cheeck and running out the room.

Did he just kiss me on the cheek. Oh no there it goes I'm feeling the blushing creeping on my face. Gosh this boy giving me the best feelings.

Now I'm on my way to the eating Area. As I came in I saw Pablo and Pedri already sitting there. A seat is free between them I guess this seat is for me. So I'm heading to the Table.

As I sit between them I instantly get greeted by the whole Team. I feel a hand on my right shoulder and as I turn to look I meet Gavi's eyes.

Those eyes which always make me feel weak everytime I look at them.

„Will you come to the beach with me after practice?" he asked me. „Yeah sure, I'd love to" I replied „only we 2 or?" I asked. „Yep" he answered winking at me.

He winked at me.. I feel the blush creep on my face. Does he mean it like a date? Nah I'm just overreacting I mean why would he even go on a date with me.

After the breakfast the Team makes their way to practice (the training field is next to the hotel). While I get back to my room to start Home-shooling.

I open my Laptop and see if my Teacher sent me some Work andddd. Whoho Spanish, Math & science. The best subjects (not) you could imagine...

I did my Work and it only lasts an Hour before I finished.

I get up to change into something more fancier. I decided for a blue jeans a baggy t-shirt and a nice jacket with a sweet bucket hat.

Leaving the hotel I went to the training field it's next to the hotel so I don't have to walk so long.

I saw my Uncle and decided to go to him.

„Hola, tío Xavi" I said as I stand beside him

„Hola mi coriño finished your work?" he asked me.

„Sí, btw I'm going out with Gavi today if that's okay?" I asked hopefully he would say yes.

„It's more than okay pequeño, have fun then" Xavi replied hugging me from the side.
*Timeskip after the Practice*

The practice ended and the boys all get to the changing room. I followed my Uncle he was heading to the changing room aswell. He got in the room but I decided to wait outside because I kinda didn't want to go inside while they're changing, relateable? I guess so.

To my suprise Gavi was the first one to come out of the changing room, as he spotted me he began to smile and walk over to me.

„Hey Y/n, finished your work?" he asked nicely. „Yes actually wasn't much, so I finished it pretty quick." I answered smiling aswell. „Well I just wanted to let you know I'll pick you up in an hour for our date" Gavi meant looking in my eyes.

It was for real a date.. OMG I'm freaking out. I'm going on a date with the one and only Pablo Martin Paez Gavira.

„G..great well see you then.." I stumbled.

I began to literally run to my hotel room so I could change into something prettier. And maybe a little make up wouldn't hurt too.

At my room I instantly face called Melissa. She's actually coming to Qatar at the day when Spain has their first Match. I'm super excited for her to arrive then I won't be alone while the boys have a Match or Practice.

Anyway I told her about my date with Gavi and she was super hyped and told me how cute we both looked together and how she shipped us...
Well not that I'm complaining.

Melissa is currently helping me to decide what to wear, I showed her a few outfits, and then she just gasped at a dress I was showing her. „You should definitely wear this one!!" she meant

It was a blue flower dress which I found extremely cute, I got it from my aunt who's living in Argentina. I never put it on though because I was too insecure about my body and still am.

„I don't know.. you think so..?" I questioned quite unsure „Duh girl ofc omg you'd look so beautiful in it, Come on try it on I wanna it on your body!!" she literally screamed.

I hesitated for a bit but then decided to give it a try I mean it couldn't look that bad, can it?

I changed in it and showed it to Melissa she screamed in excitement and began to say „OMG this is it the perfect dress, scheiße Gavi will be to stunned to speak!!"

Wait did she just say...

I furrowed my eyebrows „Scheiße? What the hell does that mean?" I questioned extremely confused. Melissa began to laugh and answered „it means shit in german"

„Oh yeah I forgot that you were half austrian haha" I meant

„I could teach you some german words" she said.

„Yeah maybe when we have time haha" I answered

We continued to talk while I did my Make up. It wasn't much it was a natural look I didn't want to put to much.

*knock knock*

„Oh shit Gavi's here, I have to go" I said now nervously. „BYE HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK" Melissa yelled excited and hung up.

I took one last look in the mirror. Y/n You can do this... you're pretty... well I didn't quite believe that.

I rushed to the door and opened it slowly. As I excepted it was Gavi with black jeans and a white button up shirt. He looked handsome as always.

We just stood there staring for a moment neither of us saying anything. He looked me up and down and then our eyes met.

Now I felt more nervous as before. Does he think I'm ugly or do I have something in my face? Am I to fat? I regretted it to put on the dress I wanted to say something but he spoke first..

„Wow y/n your so stunning gosh you look so beautiful" he said in a admiring voice.

Omg he did not  just say that. I began to blush line crazy my cheek feel like their burning. He is so sweet I don't deserve him his so kind and caring. He's such perfect...

„w..well tha-thank you Gavi, you're not looking too bad yourself" I answered and he blushed aswell.

Gavi POV

As I knocked on her door I stood there a few seconds before she opened the door and wow she looked beautiful. I can't stop looking at her she's such a stunning girl.

We stood in silence just staring at each other but I decided to break the silence.

„Wow y/n your so stunning gosh you look so beautiful" I said stunned at her prettiness.

„w..well tha-thank you Gavi, you're not looking too bad yourself" she stumbled. She's so cute ugh..

„Well pretty lady let's get going then" I said giving her my hand and she gladly accepted it. We're walking hand in hand to the beach it couldn't get any better...
This is it the next chapter finally finished. I'm sorry you guys had to wait so long but I was on vacation and hadn't much time to continue writing. Anyway thank yall for over 2k views I'm literally so happy you can't imagine.
1414 words

Bound to fall in Love~ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now