Part 3

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Pov Y/n:

The boy walked away and I still was a little red... who cares I saw Xavi and walked to him he looked a little worried „Y/n where have you been???" he asked „Oh maybe I needed to find the right way bc my uncle left me alone." I said „Oh yeah haha anyway You're in last year of school right?" „yep..?" I said confused „I'm sorry I know that you hate school but I have to give you in school for the last year" he said „oh it's okay i guess.." you said a little sad. „Well sit down on the rangstand please" he said and I did as he said. I looked at my phone as long the training didn't start yet. Like 5 Minutes later the boys came out the changing room and ran on the field. I watched them running to my uncle and then I saw Pedri who chatched me looking at him and smiled while waving me, Ofc I waved back smiling. Next to him was standing the boy from before even prettier than before. WHAT THE HELL Y/N?? You don't know him and who would even like you? Ugh nevermind. I think I stared a little to long bc he now looked me in the eyes. I immediatly looked away embarrassed of myself but he just laughed and sook his head. Now they running a few rounds around the field to warm up and then Xavi called them to him. And then he yelled my name „Y/n" „yes?" I yelled back „Come down here for a sec" he told me and I went to him a bit nervous. „This is my niece, y/n please introduce yourself" xavi said. Um.. „um okay I'm y/n as you already know, I'm 17 years old,  I'm half spanish and half argentinian, my parents moved to England when I was five but know I'm here" I said but I didn't wanted tell them why I'm here. They all said Hi to me and gave me their hand to shake. Then Pedri came to me and hugged me. I was a bit shocked bc I've never hugged a boy before (uncles don't count😂) but I hugged back. „Hey y/n how are you doing?" he said as he pulled back from the hug. I smiled. „I'm doing okay I guess how about you?" I said „Oh you know little stressed bc of training and soon the world cup starts but I'm okay" he said „World cup? Cool I hope you will play for the spanish team" I said „I hope so too" he said and then the boy from earlier came and said „Hey you guys Xavi said you should come bc he will tell us something and y/n should hear it too" „Ok let's go" pedri meant and ran away from us. „Well he's in a hurry haha" I said laughing „yep he's always like that, but anyway I'm Pablo Gavira btw but please just call me Gavi" the boy said „Nice to meet you Gavi well you already know my name" I meant a bit shy now „Oh yea haha anyway let's just go" he said laghing.Wow his laugh is really sweet.. NO-

Pov Gavi:

Me and y/n went to Xavi bc he wanted to announce something. As we got to him he spoke up „So guys listen here I have to tell you something, I have to take some test on you so I can see who I will take to the world cup with me, I will call your name when you will have the test as long as you don't, just sit down or drink some water or whatever." „Pedri you will be first" Xavi added. He looked at me and y/n nervously. Y/n smiled and I showed him a ‚you can do this' look, and he smiled back at us. As Xavi took some tests with Pedri me and Y/n sat down and talked for a while, and I have to admit she's really funny. After a while just talking some random shit she suddenly asked „em Gavi I have a random question" „okay just ask" I said curious „In which school did you went or do you still go to school?" she asked a bit shy and looked on the ground. „Oh no I don't go to school anymore I ended school last year and I went to ‚Barcelona school' (I don't know any school from Barcelona so yeah-) why?" I asked confused „Well I wanted to know so I can tell my uncle in which school I want to go cause yeah I still have to go to school for this year but then I finished school gladly" she said now looking at me. „Okay, well I have a random question too" I said now looking at her aswell. „Go on" she said smiling „Could I maybe get your number?" Now I'm the one looking on the ground waiting for an Answer. „Ofc Gavi" she said with an happy voice. I took my phone out the pocket and gave it to her she tipped in her number and gave it back to me. I smiled and messaged her so she save my number later. Just as I looked up Pedri walked up to us and said „Hello guys, Gavi you're next" he said „okay well see you later" I said and walked to Xavi...

Y/n Pov:

Pedri sat down next me and said „So you and Gavi are friends now?" „Oh well I guess so" I said smiling „Btw you're uncle said when the Tests are finished we have 2 hours so he can look who he will take with him and in this 2 hours we can do what we want" Pedri said „okay mi amor" I said laughing and he looked at me laughing aswell „ So ‚my highness' I wanted to ask if you wanted to go with me Gavi frenkie Ansu and Ferran to the mall we can buy things and get lunch aswell" he said „Ofc I will this will be so fun!!" I said excited. After that we talked about random things till Gavi came as Pedri told him thr plan he agreed and sat next to me. We watched Frenkie as he did the Tests and talked for a bit, As Frenkie finished the Tests he came to us and sat next to Gavi. As long as Pedri told Frenkie the plan I took out my phone and saw that Gavi texted, I saved under the name „Gavi⚽️". Pedri Frenkie and Gavi are talking about Football so at the meantime I'm on insta I typed in the name „fc Barcelona" and I followed them I saw in their story a photo of Pedri, Gavi & Frenkie they were mentioned so I followed them. Gavi suddenly got an notification and as he looked at his phone he began to smile. Now I suddenly got an notification on and it was Gavi who followed me back I looked to my right and saw Gavi staring at me while smiling, I smiled back and he went back to talk to Frenkie and Pedri. A while later ferran and Ansu came aswell and as Pedri told them what we wanted to do they agreed and we all stood up and went to my uncle to told him what we wanted to do and he wished us fun so we went to pedris car and pedri drove in the passenger seat was ferran behind them frenkie and ansu and me and Gavi in the back (it is an 8-seat car) Ferran turned on music and we all sang to it, it was really funny and we where laughing so loud I bet someone could hear us from out the car-, 15 minutes later we got to the mall and went into it...

Part 3 finally the next part will be out soon.
1337 words.

Bound to fall in Love~ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now