9. The Price of Survival

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"The electrical appliances don't work right now," Rob explained. "We've got a team working on that. Until then, there are a couple grills in the courtyard, and the fridges have some Song on them that keeps them cold without power."

"For real?" Kamal opened the apartment refrigerator. "It's cold!"

Josey checked the freezer. "Hey, there's ice in here."

"Allo!" Rose called from the apartment doorway. "Are we getting new neighbors?"

"You are! Well, one anyway," Rob answered. "Rose Lefort, this is Josey, DeJames, Kamal, and Gideon. They arrived this morning. Gideon's taking an apartment and the boys are staying with Tim and Adam, since they have so many spare rooms, at least until we can match them with families."

"No one may want us, honestly," Kamal said.

"Nonsense! Zhere are plenty of adults willing to take in young people, and more arriving by zhe day. I'm delighted to make your acquaintance." Rose turned to Gideon. "Zhese apartments are older, but zhey're so much easier to care for zhan a big 'ouse. And I like 'aving neighbors close by."

"I'm always glad to have friendly neighbors."

"I'm in apartment 10 if you need anysing. I'm always 'appy to 'elp."

"I'll keep that in mind."

She gave a little wave and hurried off. Josey turned to Rob. "She makes me think of my granny. How old is she?"

"Ninety-one," Rob answered.

"Wow. She doesn't look nearly that old."

"Black don't crack," DeJames quipped.

"Yeah, our elders don't wrinkle, they just shrink till they disappear," Kamal joked.

Rob chuckled. "Okay, let's get you guys some new clothes."


"Oh, man, I haven't felt this clean in years," Josey exclaimed, flopping down on the sofa. "Hey, there, kitty! What's your name?"

"That Ooda," Harper answered the teen as he picked the kitten up.

"Ooda? That beats Fluffy, I guess."

"It's a toddler pronunciation of Eartha," Tim explained.

"Eartha?" Josey asked blankly.

"Like Eartha Kitt?" DeJames suggested, pulling a tee shirt over his head as he came in.

"Who's Eartha Kitt?"

"The original Catwoman," Adam supplied.

"You know the Christmas song 'Santa Baby'?" Kamal prompted when Josey still looked blank.

"I thought you were Muslim."

"You can't escape Christmas songs, man. They're everywhere."

"Hey, what's going on next door?" DeJames pointed out the window.

"Oh. Chance and Sami are moving in. Tim and I are supposed to help."

"Well, let's help, then!" Josey responded, clapping his hands together.


"Well, Austin has officially christened our downstairs toilet," Chance announced when they arrived.

The tenor sitting on the single piece of furniture in the room -- a folding chair -- looked equal parts miserable and apologetic. "I felt better this morning, I swear. The nausea keeps sneaking up on me."

"We've got some saltines," Tim offered.

"And some cans of pop," Adam added. "I also still have some nutritional shakes left over from Tim being gone, if you think you could keep them down."

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