20. Communal

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"I come in?" Harper called through their door.

"Hold on a second, sweetie," Adam called, then stretched and moaned.

Tim sat up and gave his butt a playful smack.


"That didn't hurt."

"Still sore from last night."

"But you had fun." Tim slipped out of bed and grabbed a pair of underwear, tee shirt and sweats out of a dresser, tossing them to Adam before retrieving his own.

"I did," Adam admitted, pulling on clothes a little gingerly. "Though what inspired you is beyond me."

"I just figure if you're a little sore from kinky stuff, maybe you'll be less inclined to hurt yourself with other stuff."

"Says the guy still healing from a dragon clawing."

"We didn't have any choice there. Morning, punkin!" Tim greeted as he opened the door.

"Hi, Dada!" Harper replied, running right past Tim to climb into bed with Adam.

Adam gave her a hug and kissed the top of her head. "Hey, kiddo."

Tim gave their daughter a mock glare. "Where's my hug?"

"Dada hug Dada," Harper explained.

"Why can't you hug Dada?" Adam asked, as Tim sat down on the side of the bed.

Harper shrugged. "I out!"

"You're out of hugs?"

Harper nodded.

"Well, I guess we just need to give you some so you can share them."

Harper giggled as Adam squeezed her tight. "Dadas hundry?"

"Yeah. Are you?"

"Mhm." She gave another nod.

"I'll bet you could talk Dada into making pancakes."

Harper's eyes went wide and she looked at Tim. "Dada make pamcakes?"

"Oh, I don't know. I'm feeling awfully weak. I might need some hugs."

Harper jumped up and pounced on Tim. Adam watched his husband and daughter collapse into a pile of giggles and couldn't resist pulling them both into his arms.

Someone cleared their throat in the doorway. Adam looked up. "Hey, Asa. What's up?"

"I was wanting to go to church this morning. Can y'all keep an eye on Nalah till I get back?"

"Sure thing. Enjoy. Or, uh, whatever the church equivalent is."

Asa grinned. "I will."


They'd just sat down at the dining room table with a platter of pancakes and another of fakon when they heard a stampede on the stairs.

"Morning, guys," Tim greeted. "We've got pancakes, fakon, coffee, Sunny D, and milk. Grab a seat."

"Is there any of that vegetarian sausage?" Kamal asked.

"There's some patties left from yesterday. Bring 'em in here and I'll warm them up."

"Must be nice being able to heat things up or cool things down whenever you want," Josey commented, grabbing the chair next to Tim.

"It's definitely got its advantages," Adam confirmed.

"Can one of you guys give me a ride to the old hotel?" DeJames requested.

"Someone will get you there," Tim promised.

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