24. Arts and Crafts

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"Dads," Kendra exclaimed as they were getting lunch on the table, "have you even looked at the date on your phones?"

Tim and Adam exchanged a confused glance. Adam pulled his phone out and turned it on. "Fuck!"

"What is it?" Tim asked.

Adam held his phone up which read, 12:30am, October 31. "I got so involved in Gate research I forgot about the calendar. Do we want to do something about this?"

"It's Halloween! We can't ignore Halloween!" Kendra argued.

"We've got a lot more important things going on," Adam pointed out. "Not to mention we're in the middle of spring."

"But Halloween is important, too!" Kendra responded.

"No, you're right," Tim assured his daughter. "Maybe from our perspective it isn't that important, but you kids only get to be kids for a little while, and these are the things you look forward to." He turned to Adam. "Maybe a change in plans for this evening..."


"It seems like forever since I got to do Halloween," DeJames commented as Tim said, "Hi, Xander, it's Tim," into his phone as he paced through the room.

"Me, too," Josey agreed.

"I've never celebrated," Kamal commented.

"What? Why?" Kendra asked.

"Most Muslims don't, because it's based in pagan and Christian traditions. I think we did when I was little, before we converted, but I don't remember it."

"Aw, man, that's sad," Asa empathized.

"No, it's okay. We have our own holy days you don't have."

Asa nodded. "I suppose that's true."

"So what did you do about trick or treaters?" Josey asked.

"For many years we just turned our lights out, but then my mother decided giving treats to trick or treaters was a way of practicing kindness as we are called to do. She'd even give candy to the parents and older siblings with the kids."

"Aw, that's sweet," DeJames said. "I've never met her, but I like your mom already."

"Yeah. She was a good mom."

Kendra wiped a hand across her eyes.

"Aw, little sis, we didn't mean to make you cry!" Josey exclaimed.

"Sorry," she choked out, "this is the first time since I was little that my mom hasn't helped with my Halloween costume."

"Okay, we'll see you all tonight!" Tim finished his call, then turned and spotted Kendra crying. "Hey, come here, kiddo."

She threw herself into his arms. "I'm sorry! I don't mean to be sad!"

Tim looked up as Adam walked into the room, obviously having finished a call himself. "We may have a tearier Halloween than usual."

Adam nodded. "Yeah. It's going to be hard from both sides."

Tim reached out and took Adam's hand. He couldn't imagine the pain his partner was feeling without his kids. "We'll do the best we can."


"Hi, guys!" Amberly greeted them, getting out of her truck. "I'm glad someone checked the dates because Ali here would have been devastated if we'd missed Halloween."

"You can thank Kendra," Tim informed her, dropping the tailgate so all the older kids could hop out.

"Though I still think we need a harvest celebration in the fall," Adam said, getting Harper out of her car seat.

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