37. Personal Melodies

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"Town edge farms, right here!" Tim called.

The kids dashed out to the van, Lexi propelling her wheelchair swiftly.

"Okay, I've got you," Tim told her, helping her out of her chair, which the boys loaded into the van with amazing efficiency.

Kendra looked anxiously at the sky as she climbed into the van.

"It won't get through Chance's protection," Tim assured his daughter.

"Are we going to be able to see Austin and Amberly?" Ali asked.

"I'm just taking you home for now. If Jai or Abe or Treese want to drive you there later, that's up to them."

"Okay," she said in disappointment.

"All set!" Tim called to Xander, who waved the next van forward.


"Do we just get out?" Ali asked as they pulled up in front of the farm house.

"Wait here a moment," Tim advised. "We're going to have you get out and get inside, then I'm going to pull closer to the other house for Lexi."

Jai came out onto the front porch and grabbed a rake, positioning himself just under the awning.

"Any problems today?" Tim called.

"Not yet, but all the smaller animals are shut away for now."

"Okay, Ali, I'm going to open the door, then you can get out."

Once Tim had the van open, Ali hopped out and made a dash for the protection of the porch, heaving a sigh of relief once she was up the steps.

Abe and Treece were both outside by the time Tim positioned the van as close as he could to the wheelchair ramp. Abe headed down to the van while Treece stood with shotgun at the ready.

"If you don't mind, Lexi, I'm going to carry you up to the house, just to be safe," Abe informed her.

"That's... fine."

"Asa and Nalah, if you can get her chair for us."

"I'll get it," Asa volunteered.

"Do you need anyone to stay and help with the farm?" Tim asked.

"We've got it handled, I think. Thanks."

"No problem."

"Okay, Lex, here we go!"

As Abe ran up the ramp with Lexi, a shadow crossed over them. Tim looked up, but whatever it was had already disappeared. "Did you see that?" He looked at Treece.

She nodded. "Pterosaur looking thing, heading towards town."

"Crap. Okay. Asa, Nalah, you got everything?"

"We're good."

"All right. We'll talk later. Bye!"


The town looked strangely empty. It mostly was empty, of course, but usually right after school there were kids out in yards or walking along the sidewalk, people walking pets or working in gardens, families sitting on front porches. A few of the houses had gas or wood-burning stoves they were using for cooking, but many more were simply using outdoor grills until they could get the town electrified. Tim suspected there were going to be a lot of families eating pb&j, salads, and other cold foods tonight.

Tim watched the tirvit circle the town then head back the way it had come. The skies were empty as he pulled up front.

"You stay inside and keep Ooda safe, okay?" Adam said over his shoulder as he stepped out. Tim could feel the tension in his body. "Hey, welcome home."

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