13. Battle Royale

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As Kamal took off, Adam gripped the side of the truck bed. He waved as two silver dragons flew overhead, smiling momentarily as he saw one had a distinctive blue streak running back from its forehead. Leave it to Tim to distinguish himself somehow.

"I'm guessing my first job is to protect Tim and Nalah?" Chance yelled.

"I'm not sure how possible that's going to be," Adam answered, "so you should concentrate on protecting people on the ground first, and Tim and Nalah second."

Chance nodded, looking grim.

"Am I just here to heal people?" Asa asked.

"The healing Resonance also includes body control," Adam responded. "We're going to use it to stop that dragon, if we can."

"I don't know how to do that."

"Listen to me and do what I do." He looked ahead of them, the wind whipping his hair around wildly. They were almost caught up to the creature.

The two silver dragons climbed, then the one with the blue streak started diving, talons out.

"Okay, stop. Annnnddd... Now!" Adam yelled, and then began Singing, reaching across the distance separating him from the green tirvang.

Fear. Adrenaline spiking into panic. Confusion. Fluid in the ear canals shifting, sloshing. Disorientation.

He felt Timvang hit through their Life Debt, talons ripping, then Nalah-vang hit as well, and the invading dragon was tumbling.

Could it be over so fast?

Then the green creature righted itself, heart regaining its rhythm. He was fighting someone for control. The creature turned clawing at the silvery pair attacking it, baleful yellow eyes honing in on the truck.

"Chance!" Adam yelled, just as it spit a stream of acid at them.

The liquid seemed to part and fall to either side of the truck into reeking puddles.

"Ugh! That's fucking rank!" Kamal swore from the cab.

"Keep us out of it if you need to move!" Adam warned. He could feel Tim's wings straining, dodging. "Go for its wings! Wings!"

"Who are you yelling to?"


"He can't hear you."

"He can feel my lips move. Okay, body control isn't working. I'm going to need energy."

"I can do that," Asa promised, then laid a hand on his back.

Adam Reached and took hold of the tirvang's wing, tearing with all his might. Timvang attacked again, grabbing the opposite wing with both front talons, then sinking sharp teeth into the wing as well.

Nalah-vang slashed across the creature's face. It spat at him.

Chance thrust out a hand, and an invisible shield partially blocked the liquid, but it still hit parts of Nalah-vang's back and wing.

There was an awful screech and the silver creature began to fall.

"No!" Asa screamed.

Adam broke his grip on the wing and Reached for Nalah instead. He gasped as the weight hit him, feeling like every muscle was on fire. Soil, gravel, and sod began shedding from the injured metallic dragon. Where was Nalah amidst the debris?

"Drive!" Asa yelled. "We need to get to him!"

Kamal gunned it. Adam stumbled back, losing his grip.

In the midst of the falling soil, a humanoid figure appeared, tumbling like a rag doll.

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