21. Finding Home

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"I was thinking this space would be excellent for your prayer services," Rob explained.

Mo, Hemash, and Omar paced around the room. There were folding tables and chairs and some motivational posters on the walls, but it was otherwise fairly plain.

"The images and furniture will need removed, but it is a good space," Hemash commented.

"What direction is Mecca from here?" Mo asked Omar.

Omar consulted a compass and pointed. "That way."

"We could easily place a mihrab in that wall," Mo considered.

"It isn't exactly square," Omar admitted. "The room will be slightly skewed."

"But that would be a difficulty with any existing building," Hemash pointed out.

"Once we've placed the mihrab, it'll be clear enough."

"So, I can have my crew help clean the place up and remove anything you don't want," Rob promised, "as long as it's okay for non-Muslims to do so."

"As long as they are respectful, this would be acceptable," Hemash replied.

"Excellent! Now are you interested in housing near the mosque?"

"It doesn't need to be, but I would prefer it. Something for Med, Leena, Nasch, and I together, but preferably with some separation of living spaces, so we can look after her, but she can also--"

"--look after you."

"Preferably. Two smaller houses next to each other would also work."

"I'll look through my notes and see what looks good. What about you, Mo?"

"If you don't object, I'm happy in my apartment."

"That's fine! I'll need to talk to Zaima... and see if Leena has specific requests..."

"Of course," Hemash responded. "We appreciate the time you have given to make us welcome."

"It was what I found to do. Speaking of which, are there trades you'd like to continue here?"

"Med and I were tailors. Once electricity is brought to the town, we would appreciate really good sewing machines if such can be found. If you happen to come across an old treadle machine until then, we both know how to use those as well."

"You're not that old," Rob exclaimed.

Hemash chuckled. "Power outages weren't uncommon in the area of Jordan we're originally from. You learned to keep working if you could."

"I'll see what I can do. We've gotten fabric in the last couple months that we've just stowed away till we've needed it. I can make sure you guys get that as well. What about Leena?"

"She also knows our family trade, but she's a geologist by education."

"Oh, awesome. I don't know how that might come in handy, but it's good to know."

"Mo?" Omar prompted.

"I'm a retired bank manager. Not much call for that here, I expect."

Omar nodded. "Insurance agent here."

"What have you found to do?" Hemash inquired.

"I've joined the crews cleaning out houses and sorting through stuff for now."

"It is necessary work. Having places to go made us feel so welcome here," Hemash replied.

"Are there jobs for those of us with weak backs?" Mo asked.

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