40. A Day Out

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Adam looked up and waved at the Penningtons. Nate and Miya were holding hands while Grayson walked slowly with Cordelia on a lead.

"Gray!" Kendra called from the top of one of the slides. "Come play!"

The kindergartner shook his head, but didn't say anything.

Adam sauntered over to the parents, eyes on the boy. Grayson's gait seemed hesitant and a bit stiff. "I'm a bit surprised to see Grayson up. How is he?"

"Weak and clumsy," Nate replied.

"And nearly inseparable from Delie," Miya added. "He had to come with us. Gray, honey, let's take a rest!"

"Some more healing probably wouldn't hurt."

Nate nodded, watching his wife lead the boy to a bench. "Rob is coming by this evening."

"Don't let him stay out too long -- he needs his rest."

"We know. But it was impossible to get her on a walk without him."

"Maybe a wheelchair or a stroller for a while."

Nate nodded. "We'll look into that."


"Really, you're getting that out here?" Tim demanded, nodding towards Adam's trusty notebook, as he threw the tennis ball for the two dogs to fetch.

"I thought I might work on wedding plans. If you don't mind."

"Oh! Of course I don't mind. Sorry."

"Forgiven. Just this once."

"That's a relief," Tim teased. "Good dog, Duke! Now give me the ball! That's right. Fetch!"

"So I've talked to Michelle and she's happy to do the catering for the reception. She's already raided all the stores, bars, and restaurants for alcoholic beverages to go in the town stockpile, which we can use, but I'm thinking we should see if we can buy some local stuff from Rohunah and family."

"I like it, as long as you don't get too drunk and go kissing Chance again. Or anyone else."

"I'll reserve all my kisses for you, I promise."

"Hi, Nasch!" Kendra yelled, and they looked up to see the boy and his mother walking towards the playground.

After a moment's conversation, Nasch left his mother to go play while Leena made her way to the benches where Tim and Adam were sitting.

"Mrs Said," Tim greeted as Adam nodded.

"Leena, please." She motioned to Adam's notebook as she sat on the next bench over. "Wedding plans?"

"Yeah," Adam replied, feeling self-conscious. He wasn't ashamed of his relationship with Tim -- far from it -- but he truly preferred avoiding confrontation. Satchmo dropped the ball at his feet, so he retrieved it and tossed it, watching the dogs race to get it.

"I actually wanted to speak to you both about that," Leena started, and Adam could feel Tim tensing. "My uncle Hemash feels he did not begin on good footing with you, and would like to remedy that if he could."

"There's no need--" Tim began, but she held up her hand.

"Please. He and Med would like to make your wedding outfits -- something worthy of your standing and befitting this new world."

Adam and Tim exchanged surprised looks. They'd figured on wearing their dressiest outfits from Earth -- which hadn't been very dressy, but they'd been okay with that.

"They don't need to do that," Tim said, accepting the ball from Satchmo, but not throwing it, much to the dogs' disappointment.

"Of course not. But the Lady Esdrai and her retinue will be there. Nalah is also a member of the royal family of Hartresh. They felt you might wish to present a more noble appearance for the occasion."

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