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>>Rui's POV<<

"RUI!!" I hear Tsukasa shout, running towards me.

He always had the pleasure of screaming my name dramatically whenever it came to us leaving school. We went to the same high school, which was Kamiyama High School. We were seventeen and are second-year students there.

"Hey, Tsukasa," I say with a soft grin spread across my face.

Tsukasa had a way of making me smile whenever his presence was around. Now to say, he wasn't necessarily the luckiest person. He was always getting hurt at the amusement park.

"Apparently, Emu got detention at our school for messing around. I'm unsure on how that works but it happened!" Tsukasa explains.

"Oh, so she's won't be at the park today?" I say.

He nods aggressively. "YES! or well-that wasn't meant to be as in she deserved it or anything- or well actually she does because of that one time she-"

"Understood! We should get going!" I say, interrupting him so he wouldn't continue his sentence. We will just say that Emu made an embarrassing joke which involved me and Tsukasa.

"Yeah, Nene is probably waiting for us by now." He smiles, looking back at the now far distanced school.

>>At Phoenix Parks<<

Me and Tsukasa walk over to Nene, who had been sat on her phone waiting for us. "Nene!" Tsukasa shouts, rushing over to her.

"Oh-hey Tsukasa." She looks around. "Where's Emu?" Nene asks.

"She got detention at our school somehow." I chuckle while also sighing.

"Is that even allowed?" Nene mutters.

I shrug. "I'm not sure. She'll be out soon enough!"

Tsukasa frowns but smiles a bit too. "She deserved it because of last week when she decided it'd be funny to push me on-" I cover his mouth with my hand.

"Huh? Wait, what'd she do?" Nene questions.

I force a smile. "Nothing for you to worry about!"

Nene was sick last week and couldn't attend any rehearsals or gatherings so she wasn't aware of the situation.

I sigh but suddenly swat my hand away with a yelp due to Tsukasa biting my hand. "Ow! What the hell!?"

"You're the one who put your hand over my mouth!" He snaps back.

I stare him down. "Doesn't mean you have to bite me."

He laughs.

"Tsukasa! Nene! Rui!" I hear Emu yell, running towards us. I face her direction and smile despite the pain within my hand.

"Hey Emu," I greet.

She hugs me unexpectedly. I jump slightly. "Hi?" I mumble.

"You looked like you needed a hug!" She says pulling herself away.

I tilt my head. "Oh?" I say. She then goes rambling about how mean our principal was to her. "And then they yelled at me for not even being a student!"

I chuckle. "I mean, they weren't wrong?"

"Well still!" She complains.

Tsukasa laughs and Nene lets out a small giggle. "That was funny seeing a teacher grab your arm and drag you away." Tsukasa says.

I shake my head. I loved conversations with them but it did waste time for what we were supposed to be doing. "We should get going to rehearsal, right?" I eye Tsukasa and Emu.

Emu looks at me and smiles. "You're right! We should! Come on!" She cheers.

I let out a sigh of relief. Nene walks over to me while Tsukasa and Emu run to the back of the stage. "Are you alright?" She asks.

I nod. "Yeah, just having second thoughts about this whole show. We haven't had much time to rehearse you know?"

She looks up at me. "Yeah, I guess so. I'm sure it'll be great though! The whole idea is super cool!"

I smile. "Really?"

Nene nods. "Yeah! I know I don't usually seem like the one to say stuff like that but I really mean it, Rui. You've been working like crazy for it to be perfect."

"Thank you, Nene." I say.

We manage to reach backstage and find Tsukasa and Emu pretending to fight with fake swords that were used as props for a past show.

"Hey Rui! Could you come here for a sec!?" Emu asks.

"Uhh, sure?.." I reply unsurely. I walk over to her and she drops her sword. Tsukasa does the same in a confused manner.

"Emu, I swear if you repeat the same thing as you did with Tsukasa last time I-" I go to say only for her to do exactly that.

She pushed me over towards Tsukasa. Now, the issue with this was that I was much larger than Tsukasa. Specifically by height. This caused us both to collapse onto the floor. "Emu!" I shout.

I open my eyes to find myself practically ontop of Tsukasa. "Ew there's a purple haired science nerd on me!" Tsukasa jokes.

I get up and lend my hand out for him to get up with. "Thanks." He says.

"You're supposed to fall inlove with him not insult him!" Emu states directly at Tsukasa.

"I don't like him like that, Emu!" Tsukasa frowns.

"Well, I think you'd be a cute couple." She says.

"Rui, defend me. She's too evil." Tsukasa says dramatically.

I chuckle. "Only proving her point by dragging me into it." I shrug with a smile on my face.

"RUI!" Tsukasa yelps.

Nene and I couldn't help but laugh. Of course, I liked Tsukasa, but only as a friend out of my knowledge. Even if I did have feelings for Tsukasa, I wouldn't admit them. I have other things to worry about than dating.

"Ruikasa! Ruikasa! Ruikasa!" Emu bugged.

I groan. "Okay really, we have one day, we need to rehearse." It wasn't often that I'd get annoyed like that, but it was ticking me off a bit more than it should've.

"Oh, sorry." Emu apologizes.

"It's okay, the whole 'shipping' thing is bugging me though." I admit.

Emu immediately apologizes again, before rushing to one of the dressing rooms to change. Nene grabs her outfit and does the same.

Tsukasa walks over to me while we wait for the rooms to be free. "How did she even get that idea?" He asks.

I tilt my head and look down at him. "What? The 'ruikasa' thing?"

He nods. "Obviously, I mean it's not like we flirt or do anything romantic anyway! Im just confused how she'd get the idea of us being somehow in love."

I shrug. "I mean I guess it's kind of understandable." I mutter.


I gulp. I didn't have a reason. "I mean, by how we act around eachother. I mainly ask you to test stuff and I guess she could take that weirdly?"

Tsukasa nods. "Yeah."

I probably just made everything much awkward-er than it should've been.

[hello!! hope you liked this chapter :D and yes for the people who read my books, I might start writing for other fandoms than the dream smp!! I have other interests! Shocking right? anyway!

words: 1154]

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