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!! this includes, angst, homophobia, arguing, usage of the f slur (NOT USED BY ANYONE IN WXS), accidental underage drinking, & kissing !!

>>Tsukasa's POV<<

My parents and Saki were finally home after the last few days of them not being here. Rui stayed over another night at my house since he had already told his parents he'd be here for tonight.

It turns out that Saki had only fainted and the doctors tested her for so much for no reason. What another waste of money.

"Hey, Tsukasa-kun?" He mutters.

I focus my attention over at him. "Yeah?" I squint my eyes.

"Could you come here for a second?" He smiles.

I nod slowly. "Sure..? I feel like I should be worried." I say, getting up from my bed and walking over to him, where he had been sat on the floor.

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad, or well in my opinion it isn't." He says.

I sit down next to him and tilt my head. "Remember how you said you'd do whatever I asked for 24 hours?" Rui murmurs.

"Wait, we we're serious on that?!" I gasp.

"Hehe, of course we we're? I'd be quite upset if we didn't follow through with it anyway." He saddened his voice.

"I mean I—"

"Oh, Tsukasa-kun, it feels like a bullet went through my chest, if only it we're a serious agreement.." He groans.

"Hngh, fine!" I hiss.

"Oh, how kind of you, Tsukasa-kun! My heart has been healed by such the wonderful words of yours!" He exaggerates.

"You can drop the act now, Rui." I sigh.

He chuckles. "Okay, okay."

"What in the world was it that you wanted me to do?" I ask.

A feeling of fear, concern, and worry all moved through me as Rui gave me this weird look. "Th-the only rule is that you can't do anything sexual without consent!" I snap.

"Even without the rule, I wouldn't do anything of the sort. Kissing would be the limit." Rui says.

I nod. "I just wanted to let you know," I mutter.

"Funny of you to think I'd do such thing." Rui replies.

"I was setting boundaries!!"

"I know, im just messing with you." He smiles.

"Whatever, what did you want me to do?" I ask again.

Rui hesitates for a second. "I can't really say because of the rule you set, can I now?"

"AAYYYAA!?" I shout.

"I'm kidding." He deadpans. "Ish."


Rui chuckles. "I was going to ask if I could kiss you, yet again, I'm not sure how." He mutters.

"I was about to say.." I grunt. "but yeah, that's fine."

Rui smiles. I smile back at him. "Kissing is fine, it doesn't always have to be consensual, well, okay, if its super small kisses it doesn't, but if its like that one time we traumatized 3 virtual singers then consent is very important." I explain.

Rui nods. "Makes sense, so, after what was said, may I kiss you, Tsukasa-kun?"

I freeze. That's what he had been asking. "Yeah, as long as our phones are turned off entirely." I say.

𝙒𝙊𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍𝙃𝙊𝙔~☆ &gt; WxS &lt; × Ruikasa × discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now