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>>Tsukasa's POV<<

I yawn, geez, what time was it? It had to be around 8am. I fell asleep on Rui. This was moving quite fast, wasn't it? I look up and he was sound asleep. I had fallen asleep against his chest, or I think at least.

I remembered barely anything from yesterday other than us dating, traumatizing Rin and Len, and the sleepover. That was it.

I lifted my head and Rui turned. His hair was a mess. I shake him awake. "Rui," I say softly.

His eyes flutter open. "Hm?" He says with a slight groan in his voice.

"You need to get up." I tell him.

Rui then sits up and rubs his eyes ever so slightly. Was he really that easy to get out of bed?

"I didn't expect you to be a morning person." I mutter.

He shrugs. "I got good sleep last night, I guess. I'm not normally good at getting out of bed if i'll be honest." He chuckles.

I nod. "I wonder why." I jokingly say.

"Hehe, yeah, I wonder?" Rui smiles and places a small kiss on my cheek before getting up from the bed.

This felt strange. It wasn't normal to me to just have someone kiss me out of nowhere. This possibly could be from my lack of love interests.

"Rui?" I mumble.

He turns around to face me. "Huh?" He says with a slight smile.

I hesitate. I wondered if we'd still have dangerous acts within our show. I worried. I loved the intensity I was given during shows, I didn't want this to affect that. "For the shows—"

"Nothing is going to change, Tsukasa, if that's what you're worried about." He cuts me off.

He knew me too well for only knowing eachother for less than two years. "Okay." I muffle.

Rui looks at me weirdly. "Are you okay? You're acting stranger than usual."

"THAN USUAL!?" I gasp.

Rui laughs. "But seriously, are you okay?" He asks.

I nod. "Yeah, this whole relationship thing keeps giving me worries about other stuff." I explain.

"Like I've said, I don't think anything is going to change. If it does, it'll be a positive change."

I nod again. "I know, I know." A smile is slightly spread across my face.

I get up from the bed and walk over to Rui. He was at least 4 inches taller than me. I look up at him and he looks down at me. "Hm?" He hums.

I stand up onto my tiptoes and kiss him. Once I pull away, his face was left with a smile. "You could've just asked me rather than having to go on your tiptoes." He chuckles.

I groan. "Shut the hell up, I'm not that short!"

"Uh-huh." His smile turned into a natural look.

"So, do you even own food?" I ask.

He nods. "I'd be dead if I didn't, Tsukasa."

I shrug. "Well, you could have built something that made you food! I don't know!?"

"That's very true, thanks for the idea." He smirks and winks.

"Hmph." I cross my arms and turn away.

Rui chuckles ever so slightly. I never acted like this. It felt strange. "You're acting different." Rui mutters.

Oh my goodness, he can actually notice things! Woah!?

"Yeah, I guess I am, I don't know why though." I kind of explain.

He nods. "It's a bit awkward and panicky knowing that we're together, so I don't blame you." Rui smiles and gives me a hug.

I lean into the hug and smile. How is Saki going to feel about this? She doesn't know I'm bisexual, does she?

I let out a sigh. It was a mixture of relief and stress. Rui pulls away from the hug before offering a donut for breakfast. It's not everyday you eat a donut for breakfast, so why not?

Rui leads me into the kitchen, where there was a couple of donuts. I assumed either his parents left them there or whatever else. "Pick whichever you want, the limit is two donuts though." He says.

I nod. "Yes sir." I joke.

He chuckles. "I don't mind the nicknames, by the way."

"Nonono, I don't usually use nicknames on others a lot, I was just messing around– sorry." I quickly say.

Rui smiles. "It's alright,"

I smile back at him. "I'm alright with being called nicknames," I mumble.

"Huh, Tsukasa, world's future star, is alright with nicknames!?" Rui says in a very joking like way.

I laugh. "I am more than okay with them." 

Rui grabs ahold of my waist and pulled closer to him. Our heads were just inches apart and he had a wide smile spread across his face. "May I kiss you?" He asks.

I nod. He then places one hand onto the back of my head and kisses me. His purple hair brushed lightly against my face. He pulls away and looks down at me. His hand travels to the counter to grab something and suddenly a donut was shoved into my mouth. "You need to eat, Tsukasa." He says with a bit of laughter, walking away from me.

I take a bite and then remove the donut from my mouth. Once I swallow I begin yapping at him. "You did that just so I'd eat a damn donut!?"

He laughs. "I told you to grab one a bit ago and you didn't so how else would I have done so? Hm?"

I groan and finish the rest of the donut. "You're such a trickster." I mutter.

Rui nods. "I am, and yet you're still stood here with me." His smile turned into a fond frown.

"I'm stood with you because I care about you, Rui. I would've left you a long time ago if I hadn't." I chuckle.

Rui smiles. "I know."

I tilt my head to the side. "How?"

"You are always too kind to the rest of the troupe. You always put your friends before yourself, well, for the majority of the time."


Rui laughs. "I'm kidding, but you do have a good heart and care for us. I admire that about you, Tsukasa."

I sigh. "Thanks, I guess? I'm not sure on how to react."

Rui shrugs.

sorry for a short chapter, im sleepy and
have school. Next chapter will include angst >:)

date: Thursay, February 2nd, 2022
Words: 1069

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