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>>Tsukasa's POV<<

Me and Rui were sat doing absolutely nothing for an hour or two, waiting for my parents to return home. They never returned as of now.

It was already 3am, surely enough they'd be home soon? Rui looks at me with a concern. "Are you okay, Tsukasa-kun? I'm here if you need to talk." He mutters.

I shake my head. "I'm just worried about Saki. Usually my parents would be home by now but they aren't, what if something is seriously wrong!?"

Rui sighs. "I doubt it's anything too serious, but if it is, there are doctors there to help."

I gulp. He was right, I just didn't want to accept that she might be fine. Saki would be alright, I should stop worrying.

"You're right, tomorrow, she'll be home and everything will be fine!" I smile.

Rui smiles and places a small kiss on my cheek. "If she isn't home by tomorrow morning then you should contact your parents." He says.

I nod as Rui lays back against the bed. "Are you hungry at all?" I ask, changing the subject.

He shakes his head. "Not really, I'm more tired than anything."

"Oh, okay. I'm going to get something to snack on, I'll be back in a bit." I mumble.

>>Rui's POV<<

Tsukasa went downstairs to grab a small snack, leaving me alone. His room seemed to have scripts from previous and upcoming shows. A few of the scripts I didn't exactly recognize either, maybe he wrote a couple? I'd have to ask. He did write a lot for the shows, but I usually modified them.

I stood up and grabbed one of the scripts. It was something that was for sure something he'd write. It was more of so a part two to the whole "Nenegar" show.

It wasn't too bad, there could definitely be improvements in grammar but otherwise, it was a good idea. I might have to ask if we could use it for a show. Yet again, it'd only make sense for people who saw the "Nenegar" show.

I hear Tsukasa open the door to the room and I look at him. "I didn't know you wrote a part two to our first show," I say with a smirk on my face.

He stood there, completely frozen, his face was slightly red. "Y-yeah, I wanted to tell the rest of the troupe about it but I had my doubts, haha."

I walk towards him. "I didn't think it was that bad." I shrug.

Tsukasa seemed surprised at that information. If anything he was more curious as to why I thought it was good. "Really? I thought you'd hate it." He says with a slight chuckle.

I tilt my head. "Why would I hate it? I think it's quite entertaining,"

He hesitates and then takes a deep breath. "I guess I just thought you'd hate it because you always reply with a no to part two's of shows."

"Do I? I don't think we've had a suggestion to do one yet?" I mutter.

Tsukasa hesitates again. "Yeah? Emu suggested we did a part two to the Halloween show from last year and you said it'd be a bad idea because of the amount of materials we'd need." He explains.

"I forgot about that." I say.

Tsukasa chuckles. "You keep doing that, Nene said you had good memory, but I just think she used it as an excuse." He blinks.

𝙒𝙊𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍𝙃𝙊𝙔~☆ &gt; WxS &lt; × Ruikasa × discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now