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Tw: mention of (kinda) medical stuff, fainting

>>Tsukasa's POV<<

Rui looked down at me. "I basically have full control over you today~" He places a finger under my chin.

"Why'd you say that in such a disturbing way?!" I yelp.

"Hehehe, wouldn't you like to know?"

I gulp. Whose smart idea was for that to be apart of a deal..? oh! right! mine....

--->> At Phoenix Wonderland <<---

"Tsukasa-kun made that as a deal!?" Emu yaps when Rui explains the 'deal'.

He nods. "Infact, it was his idea. He said if I gave him attention he'd do whatever I asked for at least a full day." Rui mutters.

"Nghh, I think they get it Rui..!" I snap.

"Awh, getting all upset over something you made happen?" Rui teases.

Nene looks at Rui. "Don't you think you're being a bit harsh?" She mutters.

For once, she was being nice to me? That was a shock. If anything, Nene always made fun of me. Obviously, she wasn't serious, I think.. Who knows.

"Harsh? Me? Ah, your words have wounded me.."

"I'm not falling for that! I know your tricks!" Nene says.

"Hehe, it was worth a try." Rui shrugs.

I shake my head. "What even is it that you want me to do first?" I ask.

Rui smirks and then grabs my hand, dragging me backstage. "Oh?! Where are we going!?" Emu smiles and follows.

"I'd prefer if me and Tsukasa-kun were alone, Emu." Rui mutters.

Emu stops in her tracks before nodding. "Kay-kay!" She says, running back to Nene.

I was scared for what was going to happen. It wasn't everyday Rui just dragged someone backstage. "Should I be worried?" I mumble.

Rui shakes his head. "There's no need to be worried, maybe curious, but definitely not worried." He says, scrambling around for something.

"Ah, there it is." He smiles and grabs whatever he was looking for.

"What is it?" I ask him.

Rui looks over at me before walking towards me. It was some sort of device he probably made. "Just press this button here,"

I click the button he pointed at and suddenly I felt dizzy. Really dizzy.
How could a click of a button make me feel dizzy?

"Did anything happen?" Rui asks me.

"I f-feel really dizz–" I stop what I'm saying, or well, I couldn't speak, it was like my ability to speak was taken from me.

Then I collapse. I black out and I wasn't aware of what just happened.

>>Rui's pov<<

He fainted. A single tap caused him to collapse?

I had put trackers into each member of Wonderland X Showtime incase anybody ever needed to be found. They all consented to it of course. Tsukasa's tracker though kept being brought up as "unidentifiable" recently, I was worried. If one thing went wrong with the tracker, there was a possibility Tsukasa would have to find a way to detach it from inside his body. Vomiting being the most common.

The button was only supposed to deactivate the tracker, but instead it deactivated it and caused him to faint. I checked to see if Tsukasa was breathing or not and luckily he was.

I clicked the button again to reactivate the tracker and Tsukasa was still there, asleep. He twitched a bit though.

I panic a bit. What do I do..!?

I see Emu and Nene rush over to us and they seemed confused. "Is he alright!?" Nene gasps.

I nod. "I think? Remember those trackers that were implanted incase anyone got lost? Tsukasa's kept coming up as an unidentifiable place. I decided to deactivate the chip and he ended up fainting." I explain.

Emu hesitates before jumping. "Oo! I know what happened!"

I tilt my head. "Do you now? What do you think happened Emu?" I ask her.

"The chip is connecting to his brain!" She says in a high pitches chubbed voice.

"You're being silly, I don't think that could've happened. I put it in your arm, which is nowhere near your brain?" I exclaim.

Nene looks at me. "Can't you check the diagram of where they're at to make sure it's still in his arm?"

I nod. I didn't even think about that. "I forgot about that!"

I pull out my laptop from my bag and open it. I click on a file titled 'Tracker-Diagram' and go through Tsukasa's files.

This may sound stalkerish, but it was only to ensure safety. I found where the chip was at and it was said to be in the arm still.. wait.. no..? Half of it was missing.

"Half of the chip is missing.." I mutter.

Emu gasps. "What!? Is that possible?"

I nod, "Yes but it isn't supposed to happen with the materials I used. Metals aren't brittle." I explain to them.

"Wait! I remember Tsukasa talking about how a week ago, in his class, they were using magnets and stuff! Could that have possibly done anything?" Nene says.

I hesitate before speaking. "Possibly, I wouldn't necessarily confirm it though. If I had the diagram point directed on both splits then we could find out where the other is but for now, all we know is that it's probably flowing through his blood stream, which isn't very good..!"

Emu frowns and Nene constructs a straight face. "What do we do now..?" Emu questions.

"I'm going to take Tsukasa home for now, if he wakes up I'll let you know." I say, picking up Tsukasa and holding him as if he were a literal child. His head rested neatly on my shoulder and his arms and legs wrapped around my body.

"Okay Rui-kun! See you soon!!" Emu smiles and waves as I exit the building.

[sorry for a supperrr short chapter im sleepy! Goodnight!


𝙒𝙊𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍𝙃𝙊𝙔~☆ &gt; WxS &lt; × Ruikasa × discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now