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*SA attempt
*Mention of catcalling
(Rui and Tsukasa are NOT the ones who do those things fyi! They're too good of people to do so.)

>>Rui's POV<<

Me and Tsukasa decided to head over to my house instead of staying at his for the next few days. The last time the two of us hung out at my house we traumatized at least 2 of the virtual singers. I hadn't touched SEKAI since out of fear of the long lecture from Kaito. He did that once, never again.

"I don't get how this works." Tsukasa mutters, looking at a robot I had basically destroyed after hours of struggling to finish it.

"It's a failed project, so it doesn't necessarily 'work'." I mutter.

Tsukasa tilts his head. "Why does it look beat up though?" He asks.

I sigh. "I couldn't figure out what I was messing up and destroyed it, that's why."

Tsukasa freezes. "That makes me slightly concerned." He says.

I shake my head. "I haven't destroyed anything I've built since, I made that at least a year ago." I explain.

He nods. "Ah, so if I got you upset you wouldn't hurt me? Understood."

"Yes, because I'm totally going to hurt you if you make me upset." I deadpan.

Tsukasa hesitates. "Wait, are any of your robots or inventions designed to hurt someone?" He asks.

What a strange question? I mean, of course there were, but it'd only be out of self-defense. "There's a couple, but they are only used if someone attacks me or somebody first. Think of it as self-defense," I tell him.

"Are any of them strong enough to kill someone?!" He gasps.

I stop for a second. "There's one, but I refuse to ever let that thing see the light of day. It was a mistake of making it." I mutter.

Tsukasa gasps again. "AYAAH!? YOU BUILT A KILLER ROBOT!?"

"Junior high was rough," I say.


I laugh. "I'm messing with you, I've never made something strong enough to ever kill somebody, and if I did, I would've been arrested."

"Fuck you!" Tsukasa shouts, flipping me off.

I smile, turning around in my chair to finish sketching out an idea for our upcoming show. "Don't just turn away from me!" Tsukasa snaps, getting up from sitting on the floor and grabbing my shoulder.

I turn back around and look at him. For once in his life, he was actually taller based on the perspectives right now. "I have to finish this Tsukasa, our next show is in less than a week." I say.

He shakes his head. "I don't care, spend time with me, your boyfriend, please, i beg of you, I'm lonely." Tsukasa begs.

I chuckle. "Why should I? Other than your loneliness?"

"Hmm.." He thinks for a moment. "Im the world's future star, I'm cool, I can act, I can be the Romeo to your Juliet, please."

Tsukasa was for sure for the dramatics. A majority of his motions were dramatic, but that's what I found intriguing about him. No matter what situation, he always found a way to be himself.

"Fufu, and what would I get out of it?" I smirk.

"I'll do whatever you want for the next 24 hours." Tsukasa smiles.

"Oh, the experiments i could have you try! Surely an exciting opportunity.." I exaggerate. "You're willing to give up so much for an entire day just for me to give you attention?" I question.

𝙒𝙊𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍𝙃𝙊𝙔~☆ &gt; WxS &lt; × Ruikasa × discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now