Week 1, Day 1: Ohayou!!!

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It... Everythings so blurry...
I clutch my head in pain.
I look around...
My computer is glowing, blinding me..
I reach towards the light.
My hand.. doesn't feel real.
I don't feel real.
My Body and my Soul.. don't feel connected anymore..
Nothing was real..
Not Anymore.



I jolt awake . Immediately the sun gleams into my eyes. I think back to the night before. What the hell was that dream? It didn't make sense.. but I guess dreams never do. I looked around my room. Everything looked so different, yet so familiar. I look at my buzzing alarm clock. I decide to shake off.. whatever that dream was and jump out of bed.  I'm extremely tired but I bring myself to brush my teeth and change into my uniform. I neglected eating breakfast, and I head out the door and walk to school.

While walking down the street, I think to myself, "God I'm lonely."  I really didn't mind being alone that much. But my parents were always saying how much I need to put myself out there and have social interactions. I really only have one friend, but we have our own things and we don't talk as much as we used to.
Speak of the devil, I hear her voice calling out my name, practically yelling. I put my head into my hands. Why did she have to make a scene? Reluctantly, I stop walking so she can catch up.
"Hey!" She pants. " Why are you so fast?!"

This is Sayori. My childhood best friend. She's a very.. interesting person. 
"Maybe if you stopped inhaling cookies you wouldn't be panting trying to catch up." I joke.
" You can't be talking, Mr. Stay-Up-All-Night--Eating -Junk-Food-And-Watching-Anime!" Sayori teased while patting my stomach.
Well, she got me there. I feel slightly embarrassed, but I attempt to change the subject to something other than my belly.

"What did you want, Sayori?" I guess I still didn't expect her to have a comeback like that.

"I just wanted to walk to school with you.."
I didn't really believe that, but guess it wasn't completely out of the ordinary for Sayori to do things without a complicated reason.
" After like 3 years?"
"Yeah!" She insisted. "For old times sake."
I groaned. I was tired, I couldn't be late to school again or I'd get suspended. So I just let Sayori tag along.

A couple of minutes pass, and they've been full of catching up and talking. Most of said talking is Sayori doing something stupid or funny looking and me laughing at it. Making me feel better is something she's always been good at. She helped me through a lot of tough times when we were younger.

"You know.." Sayori started. "You aren't in any clubs.."
I already exactly where Sayori was going with this.
"Maybe you could join my club, The Literature Club!"
That caught me off guard. I didn't take Sayori for the type to be into literature. At least not enough to be in a whole club about it.
"You're in the literature club? I thought you'd be in the cinnamon bun appreciation club."
"Hey!! That's still a work in progress!" She said.
I laughed. I told her I'd think about it. Preferably, I would join the anime club. But I don't think my mom nor Sayori would be satisfied with that. As I thought about other clubs I could join, I realized that I didn't have any other interests. I better do something or I'll end up dying alone, probably from a heart attack from all of that junk food.
"Fine.. I'll join your club."
Sayori jumps for joy.
I guess I've missed Sayori's smile, but I'd probably never admit that to her.

Sayori and I somehow got to school on time and we parted ways to separate classes.

*Later ....*

Class was over. I was walking down the hall to the exit until Sayori tugged on by bag, pulling me back.
"H-Hey! What the Hell?" I turn around. What are you doing, Sayori?!?"
Sayori lets go of my bag. "You said you were coming to the literature club today!"
"Oh yeah... I did say that."
"Haha.. very funny."
I wasn't joking. I genuinely forgot I even said that."
"So are you ready to go?!!" Sayori pleads.
As I listen to Sayori plead, I realized once again that I had no interests and that the anime club wasn't an option. I had no other choice.
I groaned "Fine, Sayori. Yeah I'm coming."
Sayori jumps for joy again.

As we walk down the hall, Sayori tells me all about the club. Finally we reached the end of the hall. Sayori opens the door and walks in. I try to look confident as I walk in.
"Hello everyone!" Sayori says. "Sorry I'm late, I just had to get our new club member!"

Each of the three girls had different reactions.
"Sayori!" The short pink haired girl screamed. "Why didn't you tell us we were getting more members?! And it's a boy no less?!"
"Sorry, Natsuki." Sayori responded. "I got too excited."
The purple haired girl just stood there. She looked embarrassed despite doing absolutely nothing so far. The only girl I did know was Monika Kigatsuite-Führerin. She was pretty popular. She was class president last year but didn't run this election. I guess it was to run this club.
Her eyes seemed to light up when I walked in.

"Hello!" Monika gets up from her desk. "Welcome to The Literature Club!"
"Yeah." I say awkwardly. "Thanks for having me."
"I'm Monika." She says. "This is Yuri, and Natsuki. May I ask your name?"
"My name is Makoto Chouji. Nice to meet you."
"I always just call him MC!" Sayori interjects.
"Ok. Well it's nice to meet you Makoto." Monika says. "What kind of literature are you into?"
I didn't think about that.
"The only thing I've ever actually read is comics and manga but I doubt that counts."
Natsuki gets annoyed at my comment of 'I doubt that counts'.
"Uhh ...Anyway!" Monika quickly try's to change subjects. " are you interested in getting into a specific type of literature? Like Poems, Fantasy, Horror, etc?"
"Ummm..." I think for a moment. "All of them I guess."
I figured I was going to do this, I should get something other than cupcakes and 4 gorgeous girls.

All of the girls eyes light up. Even Yuri, who had been looking down at her book the whole time.

"Excellent!!" Monika exclaims. "Well the meeting is about to end, but you're just in time to hear the "homework" (for lack of a better term)!"

"Oh? What is it?"

"Just write a poem!" Monika says. "We share them tomorrow."

"What should the poem be about?" I ask.
"It can be about anything! You're feelings, you're favorite things, etc, anything!"

"Oh.. ok!"

Everyone departed from the club room shortly after. Sayori and I walk home together.

"Sooooo" Sayori says "How was your first club day?"

"Not bad." I responded "Not bad at all."
I was sitting at home at my desk. I was drained. Honestly I'm not sure why, my fat ass wasn't doing anything all day. But maybe thinking about what mess I'm going to write on this stupid piece of paper and call a "poem" tomorrow is what's making me so tired. I'm completely stumped. Another con of joining a literature club while knowing absolutely nothing. about. literature.
Anytime I write something down it looks like utter garbage. I look at the clock.
3:00 a.m.
I sighed. I couldn't do that. It's too late. Especially considering how I would yell at her if she called me that late.. So yeah. I couldn't call Sayori.
But I could ask her while we walk to school and write it during English Class. So that's the plan.. I decided to just get up and start getting dressed.


A/N: Yeah so I decided to add some new plot lines to some this chapter. And yes, I plan to add more to the others aswell.

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