Week 1, Day 5 :A Visit

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I wake up, and my head hurts. I'm used to it at this point. I barely can move to grasp at it. I take some medicine that I picked up from the pharmacy yesterday. It barely works, but it's better than nothing.

I look at the clock. I really slept in, didn't I? It's a good thing we got off of school today. I really wish I could just lay here forever. But I have to push myself and get out of bed.

I finally decided to eat breakfast, and surprisingly it didn't help with my headaches at all. I really should go get that checked up on. I think about yesterday. I'm already going to help Yuri with the banner tomorrow, so I decided to go help Natsuki. Not that she needs any help, of course. But I'm bored and have nothing better to do, so I get dressed and head to Natsuki's house. Until I realize that I have no clue where the hell I'm going. I text Monika to get her address, but she didn't respond after 40 minutes, so I ask Sayori. She gives me the address and I head to Natsuki's house for real this time.


I arrive at Natsuki's home. I feel.. nervous for some reason. I can't explain it. As I reach to knock, my head throbs abundantly. I try not make a scene considering I'm in public, in front of someone else's house. I try to act nonchalantly as I knock.

I can hear Natsuki frantically running around, like she's trying to hide something from whoever she thinks is at the door, but after a minute or two, she stops. She walks up to the door and looks through the blinds in the door's window. She growls and then opens the door.

Her reaction to seeing me wasn't exactly out of the ordinary, but it still caught me off guard.
"Uh.. I'm sorry.. I just wanted to see how you were making progress on the cupcakes-"

Natsuki cuts me off.
"I'm not some sort of 8 year old. I don't need some sort of supervision. You probably don't even know the first thing about baking!"

Well, she wasn't entirely wrong. I suck at baking, but I like to think I'm at least decent at cooking stuff.

"I-I'm sorry for showing up unannounced. That's my fault-"
Natsuki cuts me off again. She's not yelling this time, but she still sounds slightly mad.

"Look. You cant stay here. Okay? If my dad catches you here, he'll-"

Natsuki cuts herself off. She seems to like cutting people off mid sentence.

"I'll send you a picture of the cupcakes when they're done. Now go away."


Natsuki slams the door in my face. I have absolutely no clue what that was about. I have not a clue what she was talking about. What will her dad do if he catches me-

Mid thought, I turn around and see a big man who bares a good resemblance to Natsuki standing in front of me.
Natsuki's father.


"I-I'm so sorry. I was just-"
He cuts me off. Must run in the family.
"Get Out. NOW."
He pulls out a knife and grabs me by my shirt.

He puts the knife up against my neck. My head still hurts. I feel like I can't breathe.

I don't know if he saw how wasted I looked and figured I wasn't worth the trouble, but Natsuki's father dropped me to the ground and started walking towards his house.

I run away. Once I'm a good enough distance away, I text Natsuki.

"I don't know what's going on with you and your father, but he's here. He has a knife. Whatever you need to do, do it now."

I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack. I feel like I'm gonna collapse in the midd of the street or something. I make it to my fence before I drop unconscious on the sidewalk.


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