Week 2, Day 1: A Discussion

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I wake up in the hospital room. The doctors had already preformed all there checkups while I was asleep. This room. Being here. It feels like it's making it worse. My headache, and..


I needed to see her. I walk out of my hospital room and spot...

"What're you doing here?"
I ask, even though it's quite obvious why'd she be here. She is friends with Sayori too, after all.

"O-oh! I was here for you... and to check on Sayori of course!"

"Uh.. okay"
"Bye the way, MC, I need to talk to you as soon as possible."


"I was hoping to check on Sayori.."

"No time. Look, Sayori could be in even more trouble if we don't hurry. You as well."

I don't know Monika all that well, but she doesn't seem like the type of girl to make up stuff during a time as serious as this.

"Okay. I'll go with you. But not for too long, okay?"

Monika walks quickly without a word. I try my best to keep up.

We eventually at Monika's house. I the tension in the air is weighing down on me. And my head still hurts. As unlikely as it is, I hope that whatever Monika is about to tell me, it includes some sort of cure for This thing.

Monika unlocks the door and lets me in before walking in herself. She starts walking towards the suspicious contraptions that is covered from when I was there yesterday.

"Okay, that's enough, Monika! What is going on?"

"Uh- yes.. How do I..."
Monika chooses her words carefully.

"This.. isn't real.."



"What on Earth are you talking about, Monika?"
"I know it makes no sense, but it's true. And I can prove it."

I back up a bit, giving Monika room to do whatever it is she's about to do. Monika pulls some sort of keyboard out of thin air. She types for a minute. The words she was typing were seen in the corner, but they were near impossible to see it from my angle. All of a sudden, Yuri appears between me and Monika.

"W-what am I doing here?"
"Oh my-"
As soon as she a made her appear, Monika presumably sent Yuri back to where she was.

"W-what is all this?!?"
"I'm sorry. I can't manage to find a good way to explain all this."
"This world.. is a video game. A game I brought you into. "

I just allowed her to keep talking at this point. There was no point in expressing confusion every 10 seconds. Although what I did understand was almost horrifying. It didn't help that my head was hurting so badly. I try to focus on Monika and what she's saying.

"I brought you here as a test. But the machine broke. "

"Oh.. so it can only hold 1 person before breaking?"

"Not quite. It's because you're a 'real human'." The machine can't handle the process of compressing your mind into code. Although I'm not quite sure what will happen when we try the other way around."

"So.. what happens if we have to rebuild it 5 times?"

"Huh? Why would we have to rebuild it that many times?"
"For all of us. Y'know, Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri, me and you?"
"O-oh! Right.  Uh.. if we have to, we will."

I clench my head in pain.

"Oh right,  your head." Monika giggles nervously.  "That's related to me bringing you here as well."


"In this case, migraines are actually a good thing.."
I look up at Monika with a judgmental expression.
"H-How the hell could this be a good thing?!"

"Well, you're headaches and be tracked as how much time we have left.."

"Before what?"

"The headaches will only get worse I'm afraid. They'll just keep coming until one that is excruciating. Then that means there's no longer a connection between your soul and your body. "

"Uhm okay.. I thought this was the first time you did this? How do know so much about this?"

Monika looks slightly embarrassed at her answer.

"I-I can see out of the computer screen that you came from. So I've been "observing" (for lack of a better word) your body since you got here.  It seems somewhat alive, but barely. And not really to the human eye. The police already took you to the hospital.."

"So- people think I'm dead?!"

Monika attempts to calm me down.

"Uh... yes. but we can get you back before anyone too suspicious. But in order to do that, i need to focus on this machine for a while, which means I can't come to this, or the club.  You've already saved Sayori, so I'm tasking you with making sure the other girls are happy and healthy, as well, got it?"

"Yeah yeah, I understand all that.. but Wait... Monika? Is anybody in this world... real?"

"Well, you are. If that's what you're asking. As for everything else, all I can say is that I feel real. And even if we aren't.. the machine will make us real, like it turned you into code."

She kinda half-answered my question. But I decided to take what I could get.

"You can trust me, Monika"
"Thank you, MC.."

You all can trust me, y'know?
Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki.
I don't care what it takes, but I won't let you down...


A/N: Welp, that's the prologue done. YEP, THAT WAS JUST THE PROLOGUE. Chapter 1 will start with Day 2 lol.
But anyway aren't yall proud of me being able to post 5 chapters in 1 less than a month? Yay! I'd say that hopefully this trend will continue, but knowing me, it probably 💀 we'll see though!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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