Week 1, Night 7: A Cry for Help

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She called out.
"Help me, MC"
"I-I cant breathe.."
She was Slipping away.
"Help me..."

I jolt awake. I fall onto the floor roughly.


I get up. My head is throbbing. I cant take it anymore. I feel like I'd be in less pain if a jumped out the window. I go to the bathroom for the medicine closet.

"Sayori's bedroom light is on."
"What is she doing up? Is she also experiencing migraines?"

"No, that's stupid."
I see Sayori walk towards the other side of her room.
I think about my dream from last Wednesday. I walked in on Sayori.... And what she told me yesterday, about.. her depression.

"Nope, I'm not taking that chance."

I run out the door without changing. I didn't even get a chance to take my medicine. The only thing keeping me from collapsing like yesterday is my adrenaline. I knock on the door. No answer. I pray her parents don't mind me knocking at her door in the middle of the night. Sayori said her parents were on a trip all year, but she might tell them and think I'm a weirdo for spying on their daughter. Not an unjust assumption, but I still want to avoid it being made. I think of how this is gonna look if Sayori is completely fine. Sleeping in her bed. I'm gonna look like a creep. I remember the key she gave me we were kids. I always have it on me.
"I mean, they're the ones who gave me the key, so obviously they're okay with me coming in."
I rationalize with myself. As little sense as it makes, it that logic did kinda make me feel better about it. Not by a lot, but still. But the more time I spend rationalizing my actions, the more chance Sayori has to get in trouble.

I run up the stairs. I trip over myself every now and then because of my headache. It feels worse the closer I get to Sayori's room, like I'm not supposed to be here. But I can't give up now.

I knock on the door violently, barely keeping myself balanced.

"Sayori?" I try to lower my voice to avoid spooking her.

If there's one thing being in this situation has told me, it's that knocking is objectively bad. I gently opened the door and..


"What the hell...?"

Is this a nightmare?
It...has to be.
This isn't real.
There's no way this can be real.
I see Sayori struggling within the ropes she's put herself in. Clawing at her neck as blood gushed from it.
I couldn't look at this. My head was throbbing. I felt like throwing up. But I had to keep it together right now. I run to Sayori and without thinking, pull out the knife that Yuri gave me. I barely know how to use it, so I cut my finger opening it. I cut the rope that kept Sayori suspended in the air. I called the police. I was frantically trying to find a way to free Sayori without hurting her anymore than she already did. Minutes later, the ambulance arrived. They noticed my less than stellar condition and decided to take me too, at least for a checkup. I tried my absolute best to stay awake in the drive to the hospital, but I drifted off to sleep.
As I sleep, I think of it all. I think of a world where I didn't make it in time. And how glad I am that I'm not in that world right now. I'm glad that world doesn't exist. I think about all this.

I'm sorry Sayori.
I couldn't keep my promise.
It's all my fault.
Even though I was right there, in front of you.
I couldn't hear your cry for help.

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