Week 1, Day 6: With a Knife

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I slowly opened my eyes. I'm in someone's house.
"Wait.. is this Monika's house?"
"Did she bring me here?"
I try to recall the events of.. How long has it been?

As I think this to myself, Monika comes down the stairs, happy to see me awake.

"Good Morning, Sleepyhead!"
Wasn't it 12 in the afternoon when I...
"I'm so confused. How long was I out?"
"The whole day. I was taking a walk when I found you outside your house."
"How'd you know that was my house?"

Monika stuttered for a moment, as if she did
"I had just assumed it was yours since you were holding the key to it. And Sayori always said you were her next door neighbor."

Monika quickly changed the subject.

"So how do you feel? You've been out for quite awhile now."

"I feel pretty fine." I reply. "Say, what is the exact time?"

"10 o' clock. Why?"

I still need to go help Yuri with the banner!

"Uh- Monika.. I gotta go."
"Uhh.. are you sure? You just woke up."
"I'm sure. I already made plans to help Yuri with the banner for the festival."

"Oh! Well, be careful!"

I run past some weird contraptions covered by a blanket. I would question it, but I'm already late.
I hear Monika call out to me as I run out the door.
"Oh, and MC! Don't forget what I said about Sayori! Don't leave her hanging!"

As I run towards Yuri's  house, I keep telling myself there's no reason to be nervous, but it doesn't help much. Yuri is clearly an introvert and also an intimate person in general. There's no doubt that she'll open up a little bit when it's just the two of us.

    I haven't heard a thing from Sayori since we talked at the club Thursday. I know it sounds clingy to expect her to talk all the time, It's not like we text each other all the time or anything... but considering all the things she said worried me. I've been worried about her in the back of my mind. Between what Sayori said, and what Monika said... Is it really okay for me to put Sayori's feelings aside when she might need me?

As I approach Yuri's house, I see something that makes me feel a moment of panic."
    mc "Yuri--?"
    Yuri's standing outside her house waiting on me.
    "Thank goodness..."
    "Sorry I took so long. Some things came up."
     "No, No.. It's okay.. But I started to get really nervous ... I thought you weren't going to show up..."
I feel bad as Yuri essentially tells me she thought I was going to stand her up.
    "You always could have texted me. If I had known, I would have reassured you and hurried more on my way home."
     "Ah...I suppose that's true... I didn't think of that...for some reason."
    It should be common sense to do that, but I decide to ignore it.
    "Anyway...let's go inside."

  "Did you manage to find everything I asked you to buy as well?" Yuri asked.
    "Yeah, pretty much. At least, I hope I got everything right."
    "I'm sure it will be fine."
    Yuri takes me to her room. The first thing I do is glance around curiously, which I can tell makes her feel anxious."
    "So, um... Should we...get started?"
"Ah... Yes.. I have a few things planned that you can help with... Decorations and other atmospheric enhancements."
    "Atmospheric enhancements...?" I ask.
"You know...Mood lighting, aromatherapy candles..."
    "Oh, wow. I didn't know you planned on taking it that far."
     "Of course."
    "I want to help take our guests to a faraway place. Although many will stop by just out of curiosity..."
   "And for...cupcakes, I guess...I'm determined to provide an experience that will leave them wanting more."
    "That's great. It's easy to forget that you're a pretty intense person."
    "Ah--Intense...?" Yuri looked concerned.
   "I guess that's the best way to put it."
    "Is that...a bad thing?"
    "No, not at all. It's something that I like about you, actually."
    "I-Is that so...? That makes me feel relieved...And kind of happy..."
    "Yeah, no need to be so anxious. You can relax a little." I attempt to reassure her.
     "I have some things for relaxation. I was going to use them during the poetry event..."
    "Oh yeah? Like what?" I say out of curiosity.
    "Let's see..."
    Yuri rummages through her bag. She pulls out a few candles and a wooden cylinder-shaped object.
"I did some shopping on the way here, so I happen to have these in my bag. I planned to cover the windows in black paper and use the candles to light the room. I think that would be amazing, don't you?"
"Yeah, that would be really neat. What's that wooden thing, though?"
    "Oh, this? It's a diffuser for essential oils. How familiar are you with aromatherapy?"
"Not familiar at all..."

Doki Doki: Heart  of the Literature Club~ A Doki Doki Literature Club AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin