Week 1, Day 2: A Flash Before My Eyes

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I got ready for school pretty slowly today. I was up all night "writing" that poem..

That reminds me! I need to talk to Sayori today. I get a bit more faster now. I burst out the door with my jacket open similar to Sayori's.
"Huh?" Even Sayori is astonished at how messy and ugly I look. " Copying my signature look, huh?"
"Yeah." I joke. "The messy, rushing out of the door look."
"Ha, ha!" She laughs. "You're so funny, MC!"
Sayori and I talk for a while. Eventually I pop the question.
"Hey Sayori, I meant to ask.."
"What is it, MC?"
"We'll I was writing my poem last night, and.."
"Is that what caused your look there?" She questioned.
"Yeah yeah. Anyway I was wondering ...well..um.."

I struggled to ask. I guess it seems stupid for me to ask.

" How..do I write a poem??"

Sayori just chuckled at my struggling to say it.

"Oh! That's!... not so easy.." she's thinks for a minute. Sayori has been writing "poems" since she was younger, although none were even close the ones she makes now. If Sayori didn't seem to know how to make a poem, how did Monika expect me to make one. Silence falls over the two of us for a few minutes. After those minutes pass, Sayori opens her mouth to speak again.
"Really.." Sayori started "all you need to do is write from the heart!"

"Really? All that just time spent just for that advice??"
Sayori gets angry "HEY! You meanie! You were the one who asked in the first place!"

"Yeah, I know. I just wasn't expecting such bad advice." I continued to tease Sayori.

"STOP IT!" Sayori says this like she's only going to say this once, but instead... she doesn't. It almost sounds like it's the same voice line looping.

"Say-Sayori?" I'm in pure shock.

I don't even know what to do.. I run towards Sayori.
"stop it.."
"Sayori! Are you okay?"
"stop it.."
I panic. I'm completely unsure of what to do.
"stop it.."
Suddenly, a sharp pain shoots through my head. I grip my skull intensely.
"stop it.."
I hear a familiar voice calling my name... I feel overwhelmed... "΀hBJWNJSJ... wake up... WAKE UP?njsjjejdnjck kkfkt"
"stop it.."
"Wh-What the hell is-"

before I could finish my sentence, I collapsed on the floor
The voice continues.
"Wake up..."

"I cant lose you..."


"I cant.."

"Please! You have to do something for him!"

"MC, please wake up.."

The voice take a long pause before it continues. but.. this time it's different.
It's almost like it's...


The voice morphed into a different voice.

"Please... Makoto.. please.." the voice gets silent. "I cant lose you.."
I recognize that voice.
is that..

I jolt awake. My vision is extremely blurry...

When my vision clears in, I realize that Sayori is standing over me.

"Sa-Sayori?" My voice feels so weak that I almost whisper.
"MC!" Sayori is the exact opposite of that. "MC, you're okay!"

Sayori looks like she wanted to give me a hug, but thought she might hurt me if she does. I start to get up to give her a hug to show me I'm okay, but I can't. In attempting to do so, my head hits the concrete once again. Probably why my head still hurts ..
"ah- if fine Sayori, let's go to school now." I attempt to pull myself up.
"No!" Sayori exclaimed with a concerned look "You should probably go home and rest.."
"No Sayori, I'm fine. Let's go.."
"Wow.." Sayori looked at me with a confused stare.
"What?" I stare back. "What's wrong?"
"I've never seen you so exited to go to school!"
"Hahaha.." I fake laughed.
To be fair, though, Sayori wasn't completely wrong. However, School itself wasn't what I was pushing through for. The club. The other girls would be disappointed if Sayori had to come in telling them that I couldn't make it.
"If your sure.." Sayori still had the consurned look on her face."Then I guess we can go!" Sayori still looked saddened.. but she tried to hide it. I started to say something but decided not to.

The walk to school felt even longer than usual. Probably because Sayori was practically preventing me from moving faster because she wanted to make sure I wasn't straining myself. 
"You know I can walk myself right?"
"I know! But I don't want you to get hurt!" Sayori continues to help me walk. "And besides, I like this.."

Finally, it's was time for the Literature Club. I decided to write my poem about whatever happened today. We went around the room, sharing poems. I decided to start with Sayori, as always.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?" Sayori questioned.

"Don't worry Sayori, I'm fine. No need to worry."

"Do you want to read my poem now?"

"Sure!" I take the poem in my hands.

"Dear Sunshine
The way you glow through my blinds in the morning
It makes me feel like you missed me.
Kissing my forehead to help me out of bed.
Making me rub the sleepy from my eyes.

Are you asking me to come out and play?
Are you trusting me to wish away a rainy day?
I look above. The sky is blue.
It's a secret, but I trust you too.

If it wasn't for you, I could sleep forever.
But I'm not mad.

I want breakfast."

I giggle a little at the last part, but I can tell the poem had a lot of deeper meaning.

"Hey! Don't laugh!" Sayori seems a bit embarrassed.

"I'm not, I'm not." I totally was, but I didn't wanna make Sayori feel bad. "It's a really good poem, Sayori.

"Awww! Thank you!" Sayori giggles.

Both Yuri and Natsuki each showed concern towards my well being, The one who really had an interesting reaction was Monika.


she had...

A look thats shook me.

A look..

Of pure horror.

I was almost taken a back.
"M-Monika? Are you.. okay?"

She looked almost absent minded. It looked like my words snapped her out of it.

"O-oh yes! U-um I think that's going to be it for today!" She rushes out of the room, leaving her belongings here.

Everyone is confused.
"What the hell was that?" Natsuki snapped.
"Calm down, Natsuki, Monika probably had something very important to tend to." Yuri protested.

"Yeah yeah yeah..."
"Shouldn't somebody give this to her?"
"Uh.. yeah!" Sayori perked up. "I can take it to her!"

"I can join you if you want, Sayori."
This really excites Sayori.
"YAY! Adventure!" Sayori practically drags me out of the club room.

After about 10 minutes, Sayori successfully leads me to Monika's house.

Sayori knocks on the door while I hold Monika's bag. She walks to the door and opens in. Her eyes look different. A way I've never seen them look before, even when I only knew her as the popular girl. .. she looked tired.. and sad..
"Oh- uh.. Hey Monika!" Sayori attempt to cheer her up with her attitude. MC and I saw that you left your bag and your belongings in the club room. So we brought them to you!"
I hand Monika her bag.
"Hey Monika.." I must sound very nervous talking to her. "Are you okay? If there's anything you wanna talk about then we can.."

Monika pauses.
She almost looked like she did in club room, except, more conscious and less horrified ..
"Uhm.. Thanks a lot and.. no thank you, MC..."
Oh, of course.. we just met yesterday. Of course she wouldn't just open up like that.
"Uh- yes of course.. your welcome!"
"See you guys tomorrow.."
"Later, Monika."
A/N: edits to accommodate the plot better have been made!

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