Week 1, Day 3: Dreams.

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I wake up. Something about today feels.. wrong. off.
I pull myself out of bed, take a shower and get dressed.
I walk outside and.. Surprisingly enough, Sayori isn't there.
What? How is she going to keep telling me to take care of myself and get to school on time but she isn't even ready? I call her. But Sayori isn't answering her phone. I considered going to her house to wake her up, but decided that's a little too much.

   When I enter the classroom, Monika is the only one there.
    "MC!" She greets me. "You're the first one here."

"That's funny, I thought at least Yuri would be here by now."

   "Yeah.." Monika responded "I'm also surprised you didn't bring Sayori with you."
    "Yeah, she overslept again... That dummy. You'd think that on days this important, she'd try a little harder..."
I felt bad for saying that for some reason.

    "Maybe I should have gone to wake her up after all?"
    Monika chuckles.
  "You should take a little responsibility for her, MC!"
That makes me really seem like the bad guy here...
    Monika is being as friendly as usual, but for some reason I felt a chill down my spine after hearing that.
   I find a collection of the girls poems on the floor. They must have left them here earlier.
What is with these girls and leaving stuff in the club room?!?
    I recognize Natsuki's and Yuri's poems from the ones they performed during our practice.
    "What's this...?"
    I flip to Sayori's poem.
    It's different from the one she practiced.
    It's one that I haven't read before...
  "Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of

Get out of my head before I do what I know is best for you.
Get out of my head before I listen to everything she said to me.
Get out of my head before I show you how much I love you.
Get out of my head before I finish writing this poem.

But a poem is never actually finished.
It just stops moving."

"What.... WHAT THE HELL?"

Reading this poem gives me a migraine.. it won't stop...
    "What is this...?"
    Reading the poem, I get a pit in my stomach.

    "What's wrong?" Monika shows concern..
    "Ah, nothing..."
    This poem feels completely different from everything else Sayori's written. This pain feels different from any pain I've ever felt. I've been getting headaches all week... but this.. it's stronger.. I feel like my head is about to explode any moment.
    But more than that...
    "I-I changed my mind!"
    "I'm going to go get Sayori, so..."
    "Ah— Well, alright! Try not to take too long, okay?"

    "I quickly leave the classroom."
    "Don't strain yourself~" Monika calls that out after me.
    I quicken my pace.
    What was I thinking? I should have tried a little bit harder for Sayori. It's not a big deal to at least wait for her, or help her wake up. Even the simple gesture of walking her to school makes her really happy. Besides... I told her yesterday that things will be the same as they always have been. That's all she needs, and what I want to give her. I reach Sayori's house and knock on the door. I don't expect an answer, since she's not picking up her phone, either. I open the door and let myself in.

    She really is a heavy sleeper... I swallow. I can't believe I ended up doing this after all. Waking her up in her own house...
        Isn't that more like something a boyfriend would do? In any case... It just feels right. Outside Sayori's room, I knock on her door.

"Sayori?" I call out

"Wake up, dummy..."

There's no response.
    I really didn't want to have to enter her room like this... Isn't it kind of a breach of privacy? But she really leaves me no choice.

I gently open the door.......

I awaken.

I cant even lift my head without it feeling like a bullet shot through it.

My head falls right back down onto my pillow.

What are these dreams?

What do they mean?

I clutch at my head.
I just lay in bed, my head throbbing.
I considered getting some painkillers, but I can't move, it hurts too much...

my head is throbbing.
I sit there. At this point, I wish my head would just explode already so I could just stop hurting.. but it doesn't seem like it.

Hours pass, and my head still hurts. I give up on trying to go to school. The headmaster said I'd be suspended if I was late again but I'm sure it would be fine if just explained to her that I was sick.. right?

More hours pass, I can't sleep. My mind is racing and my head is in pain. School is over, and so is the club. I hear a knock on the door.


"Come in." I whisper, like that's going to be heard from outside my door. I could barely hear myself.

My parents have been out of town for a few months now, and my sister is off in college, so I wonder who has access to enter the house. Who did my mom give a key?

"Hii!!" Sayori popped in to my room. Her defaulted loud nature wasn't helping my head.

"Uhh.. hey?" I attempted to elevate my voice, but fail
"Are you sick?"
"Yeah, I've been having these headaches for a few days now.
"That's no good!" Sayori frowns. "I thought you were just walking ahead of me today, but then you didn't show up to the club!"

"Yeah, sorry. I really wanted to come, it's just-"

"Don't worry, MC. Ill stay here with you!"



W A k E   U P   M C.......

I jolt awake. Sayori apparently fell asleep aswell. I look at the clock. 8:00 AM. It's way too late to go to school. I decided to let us skip and lay back down. I remember my dream. Sayori-

Sayori wouldn't.. would she?

I don't want anything bad to happen to Sayori. I didn't want Anything to change.

I have to take good care of her.

I can't... let anything change...


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