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Blair Smith
Los Angeles (Highland Park) 7:36pm
Wednesday, May 10th

"Damn, and you're not gonna give me a hug?"

You heard a raspy low voice coming from behind you, you turned around quickly with one of your eyebrows raised and saw your best friend Billie.

"Billie!!!" You gasped and ran over to her hugging her tightly almost knocking her over.

She hugged you back just as tight with her arms around your torso "hey bunny!" she mumbled calling you by your childhood nickname as she hugged you.

You quickly pulled away seeing Maggie, Patrick and Finneas all watching you guys "is this a set up?? I thought I was supposed to surprise her" you crossed your arms with a small smirk on your face.

"Billie and I got back this morning due to tour being pretty successful, Billie wanted to surprise you so of course we had to make it happen" finneas chuckled lightly and opened his arms "where is my hug??"

You walked over to Finneas and gave him a hug, Finneas has always been like a brother to you. You know you could always go to him for advice and he gives the best type of advice.

"Thanks Maggie, and Patrick" you smiled softly "I really needed this.." you chuckled and looked back at Billie and pulled her closer to you pulling her into a hug again.

"It's so nice to be back home" Billie groaned and allowed you to pull her closer.

"Well why don't you guys go out and catch up?" Maggie smiled and looked at Billie and you.

"Oh my god! Yes yes! Let's go hangout at our old spots" you jumped up and down excitedly.

"I'm down" Billie grabbed her hoodie throwing it on quickly while smiling at the way you were acting.

You and Billie left the house and started walking around the old neighborhood, gaining back all the memories of your childhood.

The good.

And the bad.

"How was tour?! Tell me all about it!" You spoke to billie as you guys walked around.

"Oh dude, where do I even start?" She hummed softly "I sprained my ankle.. again" she rolled her eyes "gladly it wasn't a bad one, I just got too excited during my first show."

"Of course you did" you chuckled and looked at Billie teasing her.

"Oh shut up!" Billie pushed your shoulder gently in a playful manner "Finneas and I started writing a new song, it sounds pretty good." She bit her bottom lip nervously.

"May I hear it?" You asked as you glanced up at the stars that we're becoming more visible in the night sky.

"Maybe when we get home, I need my guitar" she smiled "basically all my shows were completely sold out which was awesome, but it's nice to be back home. I missed you so much" she groaned lightly and looked at you.

"I missed you to bils, shit has been so hard without you.." you sighed "I miss being able to be with you everyday, come to you when I feel sad. You barely even answer my texts" you took a breath and sighed "sorry, it just sucks."

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