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Blair Smith
Los Angeles (Highland Park) 9:02pm
Wednesday, May 10th

"What's wrong bunny, do I make you nervous?" The black hair girl stood in front of you which was your best friend.

"Pfft.. no, you don't." You mumbled.


"I'm just fucking you with Bunny" she chuckled and walked away as if nothing happened, she walked over to a grassy area and plopped down, then leaning back onto the grass looking up at the sky.

You watched her walk away as you gathered yourself not being able to focus from what she just did.

You finally made your way over to your best friend and laid down by her.

"Fuck dude, I miss these days.." she talked in a raspy voice "days where I had no care in the world, just with my best friend" she looked over at you.

"Now the whole world just wants to see your face and hear you sing, I'm so proud of you.." you smiled a bit while staring at the sky more.

"Crazy huh?" Billie sat up and looked at you.

"Extremely, you have no clue what some people ask me when they find out I know you." you giggled and rubbed your eyes.

"What things do people ask?" She raised one of her eyebrows curiously.

"Hmm.." you took a moment to think "sometimes people just try to be friends with me because I know you, I've gotten good at knowing when they try to get to you through me. Others just ask how we met, how long we've been friends, only a couple people bullied me because they don't like you, but fuck them." You held out both your middle fingers mocking what you wanna do to all Billie's haters.

Billie laughed and shook her head "glad to know you can take care of yourself" she nodded and bit her bottom lip a bit "just come out with an album already dude, I know you have an AMAZING singing voice. I could help!" She said full of joy.

"You're funny." You said sarcastically "no way in hell, I like my little personal life. I couldn't handle your pressure."

"You get used to it" she shrugged "plus, your life isn't personal" she crossed her arms "You're literally friends with me, I get questions at interviews about you."

"Oh god, really?" You gasped putting your hand over your mouth "well at least people aren't crazy about me as much as you, I couldn't handle it."

Billie nodded and played with her bottom lip "just make ONE song!" She groaned.

"Nope." You replied back quickly.

"Please." She begged.

"No billieeee, no, no, 100 times no." You kept talking back.

A moment of silence filled the two of you as you were in deep thought about what would happen if you started to produce music with Billie help.

Bye bye collage life, hello no more personal space.

"Fine cmon, we better head back.. it's getting pretty late" Billie sat up and helped you up by reaching out her hand.

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