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Billie O'Connell
Los Angeles (Highland Park) 10:22am
Thursday, May 11th

The bright sunlight was hitting against my pale face as the morning sun kept rising, that dreaded feeling of knowing you have to wake up cause it's morning.

The sweet smell of breakfast filled the air, my mom and brother are probably making food like they always do when we finally get back from touring.

I finally opened my eyes seeing my best friend lay beside me, which made me a smile a bit.

She's changed so much over this last touring trip, I mean.. this tour was almost a year long.

She's grown.

She's not the little puberty teenager I used to know.

She's an adult.

I slowly sat fully up on the bed and stretched.

Should I wake up her?

I giggled softly to myself and bit my bottom lip holding in a laugh, I gently placed both my hands on her body and started shaking her awake

"Blair!! Blair!! Wakeeeee uppppp" I whined and started to laugh a tiny bit seeing her tired expression when she finally woke up.

"What the fuck... I was having a good dream.." Blair mumbled

"Awe.. what was it about?" I asked

"You not waking me up from a good sleep" she looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows.

"You can sleep another time, I'm here!" Billie chuckled lightly and patted your head and finally got up out of bed "I'm pretty sure my mom and brother are making food so let's go see and help them if they need help"

"Mmm, okay.." Blair rubbed her eyes as she slowly got up from bed.

Blair and I made our way out of my bedroom and into the kitchen being greeted by my mom and brother.

"Good morning sleepy heads" my mom greeted us and had two plates already ready for the pair of us "I made you, Finneas, and Blair's absolute favorite" my mom said proudly of herself

Blair gasped "vegan chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries and blueberries??"

"I haven't had those in ages.." I groaned and quickly took a plate and sat down

"Billie and I have been talking about these pancakes the whole tour" Finneas chuckled "we miss our mamas cooking"

"I always think about Maggie's cooking" Blair smiled and took her plate before sitting down next to fin and bils

"You guys are adorable" Maggie smiled.

"Where is dad?" Billie asked and raised one of her eyebrows

"He had to go run some errands this morning" Maggie served herself a plate and sat with the 3 others "so Blair, what are you doing for your birthday tomorrow? Any plans?" Maggie asked Blair

"No, no plans yet. I'm not ready to turn 21 yet" she whined and took a bite of her pancakes.

"I'm gonna take her to the club tonight maybe, we gotta celebrate hard" Billie chuckled "fin, you should come with us"

"I'm down, I'll bring Claudia" Fin smiled and nodded his head in excitement

"Claudia!! I haven't seen her in so long" Blair pouted her lips.

"She misses you" I spoke after eating some pancakes "we talk about you a lot"

"I'm honored" Blair chuckled and finished eating her pancakes.

"Well I hope you guys have a fun time tonight, please be safe" my mom spoke in a stern tone

"Always maggie, I keep Billie in line" Blair teased and laughed a bit

"Oh shut up, I'm the one that keeps you in line" I defended myself.

"I'll keep them both in line" Finneas reassured our mom as they both chuckled.

A couple minutes passed of everyone talking and us cleaning up breakfast, I've missed these types of mornings. Not a care in the world, just 3 dumb teenagers.

I stretched and dried my hands off, water covering my hands from doing dishes "let's go to the mall, gotta get you a sexy birthday outfit Blair" I winked and giggled slightly

"Oh my god" she chuckled "should we??" She asked

"Come on Blair, let lose this next week! Don't be such a party pooper huh?" I teased her and poked her nose gently "the Blair I used to know would go wild"

"I'm gonna go get Claudia, we will meet you guys at the club later tonight" fin spoke and had a huge smile on his face as he grabbed his keys and left.

I smiled and grabbed Blair by either sides of her shoulder "Blair, pleaseeeee let's go get you a hot outfit"

"Okok fine, let's go" she rolled her eyes and smiled "can I change first?" She asked me as I nodded

We both made our way to my room and changed into some clothes, I grabbed some tan bicycle shorts and a white shirt throwing them on. "You ready yettt.." I impatiently groaned.

"Yes you big baby" she pinched my cheek lightly and scrunched her nose cutely.

Sometimes this girl drives me crazy.

Woah, what did I just say?

Probably nothing.

We both made our way to my car as she got into the passenger seat and I hopped into the driver seat as I started the car and drove off to the mall.

Authors notes


This chapter was really short and i apologize but I need some ideas.

Should some drama happen?

Maybe at the club?

I have a couple ideas but if anybody has ideas just comment and if I use your idea I'll gladly give you credit 🫶🏻

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