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1927 - The Garrison
Saturday 1st November, 7:32pm

Since the races, Isabella and Finn had never stopped talking to each other. They asked hundreds of questions, asking what their lives were like young and what they were like growing up. They talked about what they hoped their lives would've turned out like in their minds, with and without each other. Isabella made it clear to Finn she wanted two dogs, Finn agreed with the idea but he wasn't too fond at first.

Isabella was scared of the conversation of her scars though. It was something that haunted her since the days it happened. She knew she had to be honest with Finn at some point, and she knew it was killing Finn slowly since he clueless on the subject. If it was up to her she would never tell him. The time would come though.

Isabella was sat at the bar in The Garrison, waiting for Esme to finish 'talking' with John in the cubicles and come back to her. Isabella wasn't the biggest fan of Linda, but she still enjoyed her company. Linda was more formal than the rest of the family, which made it seem more like her home in Monaco when they were speaking.

"That man over there keeps looking at you Bella," Linda said in a hushed voice, Isabella turned her head to the side and Linda grabbed it and pulled it back "don't look. He is looking right at you."

Isabella turned to the side slightly, beginning to feel the pair of eyes on her which Linda had pointed out.

"I wish Finn would come back soon, maybe he might back off a little." Isabella looked at Linda. She was used to the attention from men in different countries, but she had never seen anything bad until she came to England. The men were vicious here, with no feeling of sorry towards women. She had been told it was hard for a woman to find a decent, loving man. It made her proud of Finn for not being an arsehole.

Just as she spoke, Finn came bounding through the doors with Arthur. Linda's eyes widened as she saw the white powder which was rested underneath their noses. 

"Arthur," she shouted "you've been doing snow again? What did we just talk about last night."

"Linda, my dear, have I told you that you look bloody amazing today?" he smiled, he patted Isabella's shoulder and she turned towards the bar as he guided Linda away. 

Isabella couldn't help but notice how Finn walked straight past her, without a smile or second glance at her. He sat in a booth with Isiah and a few others who Isabella hadn't seen before. A couple being girls.

"Two whiskeys please." someone said, as they sat onto the empty seat next to her. Isabella finished the rest of hers before turning herself out of her chair, but a hand stopped her, "I got the second one for you darling."

"Thank you but, I think I'm done drinking for today." Isabella said, she sent the man a smile, realising it was the same man who Linda pointed out before.

"Come on, your boyfriend seems busy so just have a seat and enjoy yourself." the man grinned at Isabella, making her feel slightly uneasy but she saw how the girls were beginning to get closer to Finn.

"If you say so, just one though I do need to be getting home." Isabella said.

Within the next hour, Isabella had been talking with the man, called Peter. She kept noticing how Finn had one of the girls sat on the end of his knee, with the other laying on his arm. She decided against having one drink and spoke more and more with Peter. 

Isabella turned once more and realised Finn was looking straight at her, his eyes were dark and he wrapped his arm around both girls. Isabella didn't move her eyes from his and she placed her hands on the bottom of Peter's thigh. Finn shook his head at her action and looked back to the girls, making Isabella's body tense slightly with jealousy.

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