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You rushed around the small cafe quickly taking orders.

The coffee shop/bakery that you ran was understaffed today due to the recent holiday. Accompanying you in the shop is one of your workers, and the two of you, while stressed, worked well under pressure. It wasn't terrible. It was just an annoyance that your brakes would be cut so short due to the never-ending rush.

It's not uncommon that the little corner cafe was understaffed after the holidays. You just couldn't find it in your heart to force your employees to work right after a break. So you only took volunteers and made sure to pay them a little extra for your troubles. The cafe made enough money to where even after the extra payouts + bills, living was manageable.

You could feel a small feeling of pride bubble in your chest at how far you've come. Only a year ago did you move to Musashino, Japan; and the experience exceeded your expectations. It was hard separating from your dad, especially since you were afraid to leave him alone, but in the end, things worked out. For the better.

The employee working with you, Emma, called in for a quick bathroom break while you walked behind the register. Once you glanced up to green the next customer in line, you froze.

In front of you stood an excruciatingly beautiful creature. He was tall. Long white hair fell just above his eyes which were shielded by some dark round sunglasses that slid against the bridge of his nose. You observed how his pale skin contrasted against his loose t-shirt that hung across his shoulders; jeans hugging his thighs in a way that was just plain unfair.

Everything about this man screamed perfect; and if you weren't crazy, you might have caught his eyes wandering across your form as well. But it caused you to shift slightly. The attire you wore was what you considered anything but appealing:

Your apron was covered in flour from the cupcakes you just placed into the oven, and it wouldn't be surprising if some had poofed its way into your face and hair. Speaking of hair, your curls were messily tied into a top knot; a few springing free from the thin hairbow that looked as if it were on the verge of snapping at any moment.

The amount of time that you and the stranger spent staring at each other felt like hours but all ended in a flash as the person behind let out a light cough. The line behind the pretty boy grew as the seconds passed and you reluctantly spoke up to avoid any more overcrowding than there probably already was.

"Good morning! Welcome to Y/n's cafe, what can I get you today?"

"Oh? Uh- Uhm"

The man before you stuttered, desperately trying to grasp the words that flew out of his mouth rapidly. His eyes darted up to the menu above in a sad attempt to savor some of his dignity.

You raised an eyebrow at his flustered state as you patiently waited for him to gather his bearings.

"Could I get uh some strawberry mochi? Oh! And a slice of chocolate cake! And Vanilla- and-"

"Woah Woah Woah, slow down there" You laughed as you tried to keep up with his absurdly large order. Tapping against the screen a couple of times before looking back up again. His cheeks dusted a light pink color as he cleared his throat and continued more calmly.

"Could I get a name for your order?"  You tilted your head slightly. This had you run through millions of names in your mind, mentally trying to guess which one suited him the most.

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