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After countless weeks of hard work and labor- and innocent flirting with Gojo- the day has finally come for the cafe to get some rest.

You made the decision shortly after opening the cafe that once a month, on the same day, the cafe will completely close down. It didn't only give you time to learn new recipes, but you also could take a few hours to deep clean the night before.

The majority of your employees were college students, so you also wanted to let them take the day to relax and just work on themselves. You knew the feeling of always being overworked- many hours with not many breaks, and you refused to force them to go through the same troubles you went through.

You started your day by running some long overdue errands.

Luckily the streets weren't as busy as they normally were due to it being around the time most would be at work. A couple of cars could be honking down the road and the sound of market vendors yelling rang into your ears.

You entered the market with your tote bag slung across your shoulder and a list in hand. You had no plans to buy anything besides what was necessary- but maybe one treat could be snuck in...


As you turned down to one of the roads, you spotted a familiar blob of white hair.

Ever since that rainy day in the park 2 weeks ago, you've gone back to your normal routine. He would greet you during your shift and occasionally catch you when you had your lunch break.

You tried not to be disappointed at the lack of change, but you knew that you still had much to learn about Gojo. –Besides, any negative thoughts were thrown right out of your mind when you got his texts every afternoon asking about your day. Just thinking about his messages brought a smile to your face as you walked up to the albino-haired man.

His look of confusion turned into a bright smile as he gave you a quick hug.

"Y/n!! What are you doing here?" He asked while dropping his current task in favor of following you around.

"I'm grocery shopping Gojo, that's what the market is for you know" you teased lightly, continuing on your walk. While browsing you had already grabbed most of what you needed, but stopping by a couple more stalls wouldn't hurt.

In the corner of your eye, you could see Gojo roll his eyes with a smile. He took your tote bag off your shoulder and held it in his hands instead. It had you giving him a mild side eye, but you didn't speak up about it.

'Aye, if he wants to carry my things, I won't stop him.'

One of the stands that you passed by sold Takoyaki, which happened to be one of your favorite snacks. You didn't even notice Gojo disappear while you were ogling the stand with wide eyes.

'Ugh I JUST bought some snacks; I can't get anymore- well maybe one- but I don't need it-'

You blinked as Gojo reappeared with two small containers. You didn't even need to ask what they were as you could smell them from the box.

"Why don't we take a break and have a quick snack eh? Y/n?" He smiled childishly while walking over to some empty tables.

You shook your head and followed behind him- definitely not eager to eat a few.


You and Gojo ended up spending the entire day together. After leaving the market, you guys took another walk into the park. Luckily, this time it wasn't raining- however, it still felt just as peaceful. You even found a beautiful-looking necklace at one of the stalls that you couldn't help but purchase. You did question why it was glowing red but chalked it up to be your imagination.

You took a glance at Gojo, letting the moonlight guide you through the dark streets of Musashino. For the past few days, you couldn't help but become more aware of the fact that Gojo doesn't take off his sunglasses. You wondered what exactly he was hiding under them. Did he have a scar? Did he have sensitive eyes? Was he emo? Multiple thoughts flew through until he finally came to a stop.

Being so lost in thought, you didn't even realize that you were already stopped in front of your apartment. Though you were ready to crash in your bed and relax, you didn't want to leave the male just yet.

Today was nice, great even. And you weren't too keen on allowing it to end so early.

You slowly turned to Gojo, ready to wish him farewell as he heaved a deep sigh.

"Is everything alright?" You tilted your head, he looked nervous. Was he about to drop one of the most life-changing big news on you right now? Or was it just a small issue? Is there an issue? You need to stop overthinking these types of things.



"Well- uhm uh- well I want-"

"Uh-huh," You tried to hold back a laugh as he seemed to turn redder every second. Maybe he wasn't about to deliver any bad news. What could he possibly want to ask so badly that it had him stuttering like the first day you met?

"Will you go- on date- me with-" You felt bad cutting him off, but you had to hold up a hand while you almost crumbled to the ground clutching your stomach. You were happy, sure, but his approach was something you could not take seriously. It was like every step he tried to take ended up in him tripping on his own two feet.

After finally regaining your composure, you looked up at him with a scarily serious-looking face that had him squirming in his spot. His confidence walked dwindling by the second and you could see him somewhat deflate –thinking you rejected him.

"Come back tomorrow, 3 pm, bring me flowers" You smiled as his face brightened again, mentally taking notes.

You turned to walk into your house when Gojo stopped you one last time.

"Wait what kind of flowers? Where do you want to go? I-"

You grabbed his hand and gave him a gentle smile that had him frozen in his spot.

"Surprise me"


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