Chapter 1

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POV Katsuki

2 years later

"How much longer until we finally go in? Are we even still on the fucking schedule?" Katsuki looked around annoyed. He wanted to finally blow up this shitty club and stop standing idle out here.

"Bro, come on down. You get to punch those evil villains hard in a few minutes, okay?" Eijiro put his hand on Katsuki's shoulder, who just grumbled and shook it off.

Patience had never been his virtue, but ever since the botched attack on Overhaul's lair two years ago, he could no longer muster any when it came to anything to do with that particular villain.

"Don't bust my balls, Shitty Hair, or I might consider blowing you up out of boredom."

Defensively, Eijiro raised his hands. "Take it easy!"

The radio in Katsuki's ear crackled. "Commencement of operations in ten minutes. Police and pro heroes have surrounded the building and the escape routes we know of. According to our informant, the main underground battle will begin in five minutes. It is of utmost urgency to evacuate the civilians above ground as soon as possible. After that, we will penetrate the lower floors. Any person located there will be classified as a criminal and should be arrested."

Finally, the time had come. Katsuki could hardly wait for the mission to begin. If everything went smoothly, he would get his hands on Overhaul today and hunt him down. The other hope he had with this mission pushed itself to the forefront. At the same time, he wanted to avoid thinking about Izuku.

Katsuki hadn't told anyone what had really happened in the fight with the mob boss two years ago. Only that the villain had kidnapped Deku, without mentioning how exactly it had happened. Various agencies had been searching for him for a long time. All of them had given up sooner or later, except for Deku's own and Katsuki's.

Most people thought the green-haired hero was dead by now, but he didn't want to believe that - couldn't until he had incontrovertible proof. Maybe today Katsuki would get a little further in his search. Chances were that Overhaul was present.

Even two years ago, his organization had not only been large, but also a real nuisance. Since then, it had grown rapidly and clubs like this one were springing up everywhere. The civilian population usually had no idea what was going on under their feet when they came here to party, thus keeping up the appearance of legality for the yakuza. Since then, Katsuki had made it his mission to find these places and burn them down.

Again, there was a crackle in his ear. "Start of operation in five minutes."

Katsuki pulled himself together and addressed his teammates. The four of them were idiots too, but useful ones after all, and yeah, admittedly: They were the people who annoyed him the least. "We'll stick with our approach and head straight for the basement. The civilians can be taken care of by the soft-spoken cuddly heroes. We're going to get Overhaul. I've got a score to settle with that bastard, so stand down. Since there's illegal fighting going on, we have to expect to run into strong opponents, most of whom will be strong-armed. Take care of yourselves and don't risk anything that doesn't have to be."

"You got it!" Eijiro, Mina, Sero, and Denki shouted simultaneously.

"One more minute," the voice in Katsuki's ear announced.

"Okay, let's go blow up those bums."

Ten seconds before the start of the mission, a countdown began. As soon as the voice announced "zero," they rushed to the entrance of the club.

With the blast of an explosion, Katsuki swept the bouncers aside and charged through the now unguarded entrance. His extras followed him closely. As expected, the lighting conditions in the club were poor. The flickering lights and loud music were annoying.

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