Chapter 7

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POV Katsuki

How long was this going to take?! Katsuki paced up and down the hallway outside Izuku's room. The doctor had been in there for fifteen minutes. How much longer did he have to wait? Now this woman had already spent more waking minutes with Izuku than he had himself.

Gritting his teeth, he turned and walked the few steps in the other direction. It was impossible to stand still now. Fortunately, it was the middle of the night and there was no one here except for a nurse who occasionally cast a curious glance around the corner at the end of the hall.

Now it had been twenty fucking minutes ... What was the doctor doing in there for so long? Katsuki forced himself to be calm. Dr. Yaguchi was just doing her job and wanted to help Izuku. The alpha had noticed it during the last few days. Still, it just felt shitty to be left out here in the dark.

The door handle was pushed down and Katsuki stormed to the door with stomping steps. "Well?!" he blubbered as soon as the doctor stepped into the hallway.

Dr. Yaguchi closed the door before addressing Katsuki. "Midoriya-san has agreed to let you go right back to him-" Already Katsuki wanted to push past her and back to Izuku, but the doctor wouldn't let him through. "But I have a few things to tell you first."

Katsuki growled. "And what the hell is that?"

"First of all, please calm down! At this point, we can only guess what Midoriya-san has been through. Not only was he a hero among numerous villains, but he was also an omega among who knows how many alphas who probably know no scruples."

An animalistic growl escaped Katsuki's throat as he thought of the condition in which they had found Izuku. Without his doing, he emitted warning pheromones.

Dr. Yaguchi rolled her eyes. "This is exactly why I strongly advised against letting an alpha near Midoriya-san at this time. It can lead to flashbacks. He is severely traumatized and in more ways than one. Get your emotions and especially your pheromones under control or I can't justify letting you near him again."

Katsuki took a deep breath and tried hard to put the instinct-driven part of him back on a leash. He didn't want to scare Izuku.

"Better," Dr. Yaguchi said.

Katsuki gritted his teeth. The woman was only allowed to talk to him like that because she was Izuku's doctor, and excellent at her job to boot.

"When dealing with Midoriya-san, it's best to imagine a raw egg which already has a fine crack. Press it once too hard and it will break."

Straining, Katsuki expelled the air. "As a doctor, shouldn't you be saying crap like: Everything's going to be all right, and not negative bullshit like that?"

"With therapy and some distance, it will get better, but we can assume he will never be the same again. The wounds to his soul are far too severe for that. Right now, Midoriya-san is more than unstable. A reliable friend at his side can help him to get other thoughts. Provided it's not a hot-headed alpha who can't control himself."

"Tsk." Katsuki would have loved to snarl at the doctor for that comment, but he bit it. Otherwise, she'd have a reason to deny him access to Izuku.

"Understood," he grumbled instead. "Can I go back in now?"

The doctor nodded and stepped aside. "Don't upset him."

"I won't."

"All right, but don't keep him up too long. First and foremost, Midoriya-san needs plenty of rest," Dr. Yaguchi replied.

Katsuki nodded and reached for the handle once the doctor finally cleared entry.

The headboard of Izuku's bed was raised and he looked out at the city lying in darkness. As soon as he heard the door, his eyes darted to Katsuki. For a split second, emerald eyes met ruby ones, then Izuku lowered his gaze to his blanket.

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