Chapter 85

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POV Katsuki

If Izuku had only just calmed down, the alpha could feel his nervousness growing again now. Together with the PR clowns, they stood at the side entrance to the stage. The faint background noise of the studio audience's conversations could be heard from here without the words being intelligible. The show staff hurried back and forth, giving final instructions, checking the lights, the cameras and the rest of the technology. The two presenters were already sitting in their chairs, getting their noses powdered one last time.

His mate's hand was sweaty. Katsuki gave him a reassuring squeeze and leaned down to press a kiss to Izuku's temple. "You can do this, babe. There's nothing to be afraid of in this studio. We've beaten a lot tougher opponents together than the extras in there. This is just another fight we'll come out of victorious."

Izuku gave him a shaky smile and squeezed his hand as well. "Okay, Kacchan. But as s-soon as we're done here, let's do what we w-were planning to do today, shall we?"

The corner of his mouth pulled up into a wry grin of its own accord. "And that would be?"

"Cuddle, then you cook f-for me, we take a bath, then cuddle again until I fall a-asleep in your arms."

The blond let out a satisfied grumble. "Sounds like a perfect plan."

Now Izuku's smile was a little more confident than before. Katsuki was grateful for their connection, so he knew how his mate was feeling, even if he couldn't smell his pheromones right now. On the advice of their PR advisors, they had stuck strong pheromone-blocking plasters over their glands so that no one could guess what was going on inside them from their scent.

Himari cleared her throat behind them. "You guys are cute together. Remember, this is exactly what we want to show people. So no false restraint when it comes to mutual displays of affection, that's what we're here for. As of today, your relationship will become public and the whole world can know that it's full of love and respect, okay?"

Katsuki rolled his eyes. The reminder hadn't been necessary, but after all, he was paying Himari for it, so he left it uncommented. However, either way, he was going to use this stupid interview to mark his territory in front of the world. Everyone should know who Izuku belonged to and who else they would mess with besides his already incredibly strong mate if someone was being a jerk to his omega.

A countdown started loudly and the audience began to applaud. Then the extras on stage were greeting the audience and babbling some unimportant shit which the alpha wasn't interested in. His complete attention was on his mate and their connection.

"Your turn is coming up," said Katou behind them. "Just stay calm and don't get upset, then you won't have to put up with anything. Jun sometimes likes to provoke with his questions. Don't let him get under your skin."

Katsuki snorted. He should try that. The alpha was known for his explosive temper and reporters and presenters had often tried to provoke him into blowing up. He had found it difficult at first and a few times the wankers had managed to get under his skin, but he had practiced self-control since then.

One of the staff approached them. "There will now be a two-minute commercial break, after which Aiko will announce you. You'll go on stage as we discussed and sit on the two empty chairs. All right?"

They nodded wordlessly.

Once again, Katsuki squeezed his mate's hand and gave him a smile. Their hands would not part during the entire conversation, that much was certain.

The audience applauded at the signal given by the director. The presenter waited a few more seconds before asking for silence. "Welcome back to Jun and Aiko. For those of you just tuning in, a friendly hello. Either way, I advice you to stay tuned and tell everyone you know to tune in. Our two guests today have been the hottest topic of conversation in our nation for months. Today, for the first time, they are speaking in person and not just via press releases. Let's hope we can clear up some rumors and finally find out what really happened and what their relationship is."

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