Chapter 32 🍋

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CW: Smut

POV Katsuki

Only slowly did the blond's consciousness drift to the surface. It was the third day of Izuku's heat and it had left its mark on Katsuki as well. By now, he had developed something of a routine.

Every time he had pleasured the omega and satisfied him for a short time, Katsuki disappeared into the bathroom and worked on his erection there. Afterwards, he washed Izuku and prepared something to eat for them both. When everything was ready for the next wave, he cuddled up to his omega and slept until he woke up and needed his attention.

Then everything started all over again. All the while, Katsuki fought against his own desire. So far with success, even if Izuku had made it increasingly difficult for him since the second wave. Later today, the heat would have to end and the alpha, whose self-control was now hanging by a thread, could hardly wait.

He was honored that Izuku trusted him enough to accept him as a partner in this vulnerable time, but Katsuki was only a man and he was beginning to reach his limits.

Katsuki awoke to a bite to the neck. He gasped for air and opened his eyes. Izuku was lying on top of him, rubbing his hips against his thigh. He licked and sucked on the alpha's neck just next to his scent gland.

A lustful growl made its way down his throat. He wanted to dominate this cheeky omega, give him what he so greedily craved and then sink his own teeth into his delicious flesh.

Katsuki reached for Izuku's ass and gripped it tightly. Just before he could turn them both and bury the omega beneath him in the soft sheets, he came back to his senses.

"Fuck, babe, you're making it really hard for me to resist you."

Izuku's lips broke away from his neck. "Alpha, p-please~." His movements became faster - more urgent.

Unconsciously, Katsuki moved his hips as well, meeting the greenette's. The added friction made Izuku whimper. "Please m-more. It hurts. I-I need you, Alpha."

With his right hand, he approached the entrance of the omega and gently slid the first finger into the slippery opening. Izuku pushed against him and groaned.

Katsuki searched for his prostate and found what he was looking for. Meanwhile, he found Izuku's spot faster and faster. He used a second finger to create even more friction, poking into the sensitive nerve node each time.

Izuku leaned on his chest. His hands clutched at the alpha's broad shoulders as he fucked himself with Katsuki's fingers. His green eyes were half closed and his lust-veiled gaze rested on his face.

The alpha growled greedily, allowing his omega to use him to satisfy his desire. He leaned forward and kissed Izuku's neck. "You're so sexy, babe. Tell me, do you like it when I'm under you and you're driving me crazy?"

"Yeah~!" Izuku's movements became jerky. He was almost ready. "My alpha~!"

"Come for me, babe," Katsuki growled at the omega's ear.

With a soft cry, Izuku came and slumped on top of the alpha. After three days and numerous orgasms, only a few drops came out of the omega. Izuku snuggled against Katsuki's chest, purring, and made no pretense of wanting to lie down any other way.

The alpha was torn. He quite liked the position, but he had a problem down there that was becoming more and more pressing. After what Izuku had just done to him, he was so horny that his balls were probably blue by now. He had to take care of it before he lost control and did something unforgivable.

Izuku snuggled up to him even tighter. Katsuki put his hand on the back of his neck and nuzzled the hairline. The purring grew louder. Pride swelled in his chest. The fact that his omega trusted him and let himself fall for him meant more to the alpha than he could have expressed with words.

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