Chapter 35

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POV Katsuki

Humming, Katsuki stepped out of the elevator into the hallway of his office. He was early today, even though it had been hard for him to get up and leave Izuku alone in bed.After the rush of happy hormones that had nearly overwhelmed the couple with the commitment of their bond had worn off, his omega had withdrawn.

Katsuki could understand. They had spent the rest of the day cuddling and talking. He had also cooked Izuku's favorite dish. They had agreed it would be better if they were both clear in their heads if they wanted to take the final step one day.

He had almost reached his office door when a voice sounded behind him: "Hey Bakubabe~ ... Why are you in such a good mood today?"

Snorting, he turned around. "What do you want, Pinky?"

"I heard you humming, which honestly surprised me. Never thought you could do that." Mina giggled.

Katsuki rolled his eyes. Still, he didn't let the teasing spoil his mood. Unconsciously, he emitted a few pheromones.

The alpha in front of him sniffed in surprise. "You smell different ..."

Katsuki felt caught out. He rubbed his hand uneasily over the back of his neck. "Well-"

"OH YOU GODS!!!" Mina shouted between them. The pink alien yanked his arm towards her and pushed up the sleeve of the hoodie. As soon as she saw the fresh courting mark, she shrieked even louder.

"Fuck, Pinky! Am I supposed to get a fucking sudden hearing loss?" The blonde hero growled, yanking his arm back and shoving the sleeve back into place.

Denki, Sero and Kirishima also came into the hallway through the commotion. Great! That's what he got for being at the agency so early. None of the extras had already left to go on patrol.

"What's going on here?" asked Pikachu.

"Nothing!" growled Katsuki.

Mina paced on the spot with her feet, her fists clenched under her chin. "Bakubabe and Izu darling have ... !!!" The screaming started again.

The men covered their ears.

When Mina had settled down, Kiri asked: "What did the two of them do to set you off like that?"

Pinky wanted to grab Katsuki's arm again, obviously to show them all the mark. But he pulled away in time, pressed his arm in front of his stomach and growled. "Leave it!"

"How about we all calm down first?" asked Sero.

Kiri looked at Katsuki with a furrowed brow. "What's wrong with your pheromones, bro?"

Mina squeaked again, while Denki and Sero gave each other confused looks. The two were betas and could barely detect the pheromones of the other secondary genders.

"It's none of your fucking business!"

"Don't be like that. This is, after all, joyous news that we should be celebrating." Mina reached out to him, but changed her mind halfway through.

Sero spoke up: "Does that mean my assumption is correct? Deku really is an omega and you spent his heat together? Is that why you're going so crazy, Mina, because you can now ship the two of them?"

Pinky didn't get a chance to answer.

Pikachu beat her to it, grinning cheekily. "Whoa, really now? That would explain a lot. When I think back to your tensions in high school ... Who would have thought that they were sexual in nature and that you just needed to fuck! Is it really the case that an omega is no longer himself during the heat and can only think about being mated to an alpha? Shouldn't you be in a better mood when you're freshly fucked?"

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