Chapter 61

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POV Izuku

Rice fields stretched as far as he could see. Since an hour ago, the towns they drove through had gotten smaller. Izuku had rolled down the window and enjoyed the breeze that knotted his curls. But that didn't bother him. He felt free. The sun warming his skin, the fresh air filling his lungs and the wind running through his hair all made the omega taste the sweet taste of freedom.

His gaze slid from the increasingly hilly landscape to the man beside him. Kacchan looked intently at the winding road. His hand rested on Izuku's thigh. The gesture was familiar, intimate. They did not speak to each other, which was not necessary at the moment. The couple were in harmony. No words were needed. Only the soft music from the car radio could be heard.

The mountains were getting closer. Izuku didn't know what to expect. According to the navigation system, they still needed a good hour to reach their destination. Kacchan had said it was a surprise and that was okay. The omega trusted his partner.

He looked at his wrist. Would this mark disappear soon? He hoped that was what awaited him at the end of this journey. For the first time since his rescue, Izuku was truly at peace with himself. He hadn't expected this when they spoke three days ago.


"Will you be my omega?"


Kacchan beamed at him with joy. The greenette had rarely seen him like this.

"Can I kiss you?" the alpha now asked.

Instead of answering him with words, Izuku leaned forward and pressed his lips to those of his mate. The blond returned the kiss. It was slow and tender - full of love.

Izuku felt like crying with relief, but he pulled himself together. The moment was too precious to spoil it with tears. Kacchan gripped his waist and lifted the petite omega effortlessly onto his lap. He wrapped his left hand around Katsuki's strong neck. His right rested over his heart. Izuku could feel it beating. The feeling calmed him, promised him security.

After a few minutes, the alpha pulled back and let out a possessive growl. "Mine."

They touched foreheads. The tips of their noses brushed against each other. "Mine," Izuku replied as he emitted delicate pheromones.

Their lips found each other again. The omega was so intoxicated he barely noticed his partner changing the grip of his hands. Instead of his waist, they were now under his thighs.

Without breaking the kiss, Kacchan stood up with him in his arms. Izuku still had his eyes closed. He didn't care where the alpha took him. Shortly afterwards, he felt the sway in Katsuki's steps. He was carrying him up the stairs.

A few meters further on, the alpha pushed open a door with his foot. As soon as they were inside, he pushed it shut again in the same way. Izuku felt himself topple to the ground and squeaked in surprise. But instead of falling, he was lying between soft blankets. Kacchan had taken him to their bedroom. Their kisses became more and more passionate. The blond's lips traveled over his neck, leaving a trail of kisses in their wake. He let out a sigh as his partner arrived at the crook of his neck.

Izuku was nervous. Was Kacchan going to mark him directly? A shiver ran through his body. His heartbeat and breathing accelerated. An inner restlessness filled the former hero. He wanted Kacchan to bite him. At the same time, he was terrified of it, and as far as alpha bites were concerned, it was like sex. He had had so many bad experiences with it that the very idea frightened him and he almost had a panic attack. After all, he had almost died once from an alpha bite and had suffered from the injury for months, which his scarred thigh reminded him of every day.

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