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I was able to throw the hose around the guardian and lift it, while Five attempted to hit it. It didn't work but we bought some time and we all were able to run to the washroom.

And here we are now, hiding behind the washing machine.

"You've hit him with your ax five times. He should be dead by now," Ben says.

"The armor. It's like hitting cement," Five replies, looking back at Sloane and me.

"There's a space between the back plates," Sloane says.

"We need to get behind him," Five says.

Sloane agrees, "Let's kill this thing."

"Wait-" Five is cut off.

"Hey, asshole!" Sloane calls.

"Sloane!" I yell.

She attempts to run up the wall, probably to jump on him but she failed, getting hit in the arm with a knife.

She falls to the floor, screaming in agony.

Five is next, appearing behind the guardian but it spots him.

I jump out from behind my hiding place. Not today.

The guardian hits him as I call out.

"Right here, douchebag!"

He turns to me, ready to hit, and as soon as he tries, I stop the machete holding it back from hitting me. I start straining, sliding from the amount of force I was using. I scream, trying to hold back.

Where the hell is Ben?

All of a sudden tentacles start wrapping around the guardian as I fall to the floor. It's no use though because the guardian slices right through them.

I get up, off the floor, jumping in front of Ben. I try to hold him back but I can already feel my limbs falter. The lights around the room start flashing like crazy as I scream, trying to not let the blade hit me.

It almost does.

The Five was able to get up and hit it directly in the back.

It falls to the floor right in front of me. I smile and tears start gathering in my eyes.

We're all okay.

I make eye contact with Five and I smile at him.

"Thank you." I mouth.

He nods, giving me a small smile in return.

Maybe he's not such a dick after all.

Love Even Near the End; Five HagreevesWhere stories live. Discover now