Tales of a Not-So-Well-Matchmaking-Plan

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Ship(s): Pansmione, Drarry

Ft: Queens-Matchmakers Pansy and Hermione

Summary: Pansy and Hermione are the two known best matchmakers in the entire school. They've helped dozens of couples get together, but no matter how hard they try, they just couldn't get their one OTP together...

More Info: Eighth Year AU cus I'm not in the mood for drama *yawns*

Warnings: Swearing

Type: fluff :D bc why not

Author's Note: yall get the title reference right ;D ANYWAY CUE QUEENS PANSMIONE; this is sort of mainly Pansmione so if you don't like Pansmione there will be a shit load of them and you can click off if you'd like

Word Count: 2k- I honestly expected this to be like 1k or so but i overwrote 🤓


Eighth Year Common Room


"Mioneee," Pansy drawled as she leaned her head on her girlfriend's shoulder. Hermione looked up from her book, which was so thick it scared Pansy and chuckled at her.

"Your knee," she said. Pansy hit her playfully and sighed. There was a loud bang, which made both of them look up, to see their male best friends bickering again. Their words were inaudible, but they both looked angry with each other as Draco and Harry pushed each other and yelled insults. The strange thing about each of their arguments were, there would always be a shit load of winking, blushing, and skin contact involved. You couldn't tell whether they were fighting or flirting, which was made them look so good together.

"There they go again," Hermione sighed and Pansy nodded. "I can't believe it! We've tried truth or dare, seven minutes in heaven with a charmed bottle that would put them together every time one of them spins, putting them together privately on the Quidditch patch, and it's just hopeless!"

"Yeah, so what are we going to do next?" Pansy asked sarcastically as she leaned the other way and fell onto the couch. "Veritaserum? Force the truth out of them? They're impossible, but giving up on this ship is impossible, too."

Hermione's eyes suddenly lit up at Pansy's words. She nudged Pansy. "Oh, I know!"

"You're not actually going to use Veritaserum on them, are you-" Pansy asked, a look of terror and pure excitement etched on her face.

"Not exactly, but it might just work..."


A while later


"So, as you can see, there is an 80% chance that this will work," Hermione said, waving her graph in front of Pansy. Pansy put it down immediately.

"Okay, I have no idea what this graph is, but about that plan," Pansy squealed, suddenly eager as she pulled Hermione into a tight hug. "I swear to god, you're a genius. I'm so fucking proud to call you my girlfriend!"

"Okay, come on," Hermione patted Pansy's hands, slightly red by this point. "Calm down. Actions speak louder, and what we really need to focus on is getting the plan into action."

"Whatever you say," Pansy shrugged as she took Hermione's hand and lifted them both up from the couch. "Quick, go find Harry."

Hermione rushed off to Harry's dorm, knocking furiously on the door and Harry opened it groggily.

"What do you want, Malf- Oh hey, 'Mione," Harry greeted. Hermione interally smirked. Bro's so infatuated with Malfoy he thinks it's him knocking on the door.

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