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Ship(s): Drarry, FLINTWOOD

Ft: our king lee jordan

Summary: basically quidditch but some accidents happen :D

More Info: no drama bc im nice. also the dementors dont take over and they're competing with slytherin bc i can do that

Warnings: Swearing

Type: fluff :D

Author's Note: if you dont ship flintwood too bad

Word Count: 1.5k bc im lazy TvT


Before Match


Wood stormed into the Great Hall and slammed his hand onto the table, making everyone start and jump, looking at him in confusion. Coughing, he regained his composure and counted all of the players on the Quidditch Team. Dragging them each out of their seats, he continued towards the locker rooms.

"It's the Quidditch Finals, team," Wood gritted his teeth and rubbed his hands together in excitement and worry. "We're going to go over our plan and we've got to win this match."

Pointing his broomstick at the board, which had the Quidditch patch drawn on and each player from both Slytherin and Gryffindor, Wood started his usual pre-match rant, making almost every player slightly nod off.

"AM I CLEAR?" Wood's voice suddenly boomed, startling Harry who jerked awake and squinted at the board.

"No, Oliver," Fred said innocently, which earned him a hard glare from Wood.

The team members all took a few moments to process the board and the entire plan before nodding. Wood knocked the floor with his broom twice before he walked away as the team scrambled to follow him.

Harry sat back in the Great Hall with his Quidditch robes on, glancing around nervously as he ate his breakfast. Ron patted him on the back.

"It'll be fine, mate," he reassured. "Wood's got softer with the Slytherins, vice versa."

"How?" Harry asked with an eyebrow raised. "And how are you supposed to know, anyway?"

"Top secret," Ron hissed, leaning forward so no one else would hear. "He and Flint are dating."

Harry's mouth fell open, his eyebrows shooting up. "You don't mean- Marcus Flint?"

"Marcus Flint," Ron nodded to him, smiling smugly although his expression couldn't be called a smirk. "He wanted to find you but you weren't there so he asked me for advice, you know?"

"Oh damn," Harry said, wrinkling up his nose. "Could never imagine those two together."

"Well," Ron laughed, now having pulled away from whispering to Harry. "They'd make more sense than you and Malfoy, would it?"

"Yeah, sure..." Harry trailed off, wrinkling up his nose again to seem disgusted, even though his heart was thumping hard. He wasn't going to tell anyone about his long-time crush on Malfoy, as he knew his friends would probably hate him if he did.

"It's time, team," Wood announced. Harry waved a quick goodbye to both Hermione and Ron before following Wood and the rest of the team nervously.

The Slytherin team was getting ready. While the Gryffindor team prepared for the match, Harry caught a quick glance of Wood suddenly looking down with his cheeks tainted pink, looking sideways to see Flint casting a smirk at the team. So Ron was telling the truth, after all.

Drarry Oneshots [Discontinued]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें