He Used to be Mine

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Ship(s): Drarry

Ft: no one

Summary: Drarry's life story with a sad ending

More Info: This is a songfic including the song "She Used to be Mine" but I basically replace 'she' with 'he' bc Draco is a boy- Most of the dialogue is not canon and is just for the sake of this oneshot.

Warnings: Swearing, DEATH ✨, mentions of abuse

Type: fluff and angst

Author's Note: bear with me guys

Word Count: 5.5k?! :0 longest ive done so far


He's imperfect

Draco scribbled on the Potions test paper with the best handwriting he could muster out of the quill in his hand. Carefully, he trailed along the sheet and wrote each letter clearly, although still trying to do the test quickly.

He'd reviewed Potions thoroughly the previous night and was determined to be the first in class after Granger. But considering how much Snape detested Granger, she wouldn't get first anyway.

Handing the test in, he walked nervously out of the classroom. Although he always kept a mean, rude, and dominant demeanor, he wouldn't forget the bruises that slept over his ribs from his father. If he failed one single subject...

Shaking the thought off, he bit his lip and looked down. At the corner of his eye, he saw Potter and his friends walking by, all laughing happily, although Weasley still seemed frightened by the test. Jealously filled up in him – why did Potter get such good friends?

Looking around, where was his?




Snape handed the tests in, and Draco's eyes lit up when he saw he got a 99% grade. But when his memories slipped back to his father, his face dimmed once again. His father would've probably expected full marks. Nothing was ever good enough for him.

Peeking to his sides, he saw Granger's paper. Snape had marked her paper extremely low, although most of her answers were the same as his. Frowning, he looked back at his own test. He should be gleeful at Granger's failure, but why wasn't he?

Looking around, he caught sight of Potter's paper. It was even worse. Draco scanned Potter's answers – most of them made zero sense. Trying to stifle his smile at Potter's idiocy, he looked back at his own test.


But he tries


He is good

Draco poked his food around on his plate as Crabbe and Goyle munched happily on their own food. He wasn't in the mood of eating anything. His appetite just seemed to... fade away.

Turning his head, he saw Potter, again. He and his friends were eating breakfast together, Weasley eating the most. His eyes floated to Weaslette, who was staring at Potter occasionally. Jealousy boiled in him again as he looked down and grit his teeth.

Breakfast time ended soon. Draco looked up to see Potter getting up. He was walking with Weasley, laughing at something the latter said. His laughter seemed like music in Draco's ears, and he didn't know why.

"Malfoy? Why are you staring at Potter?" Crabbe's voice asked. Draco shook his head, eyes widening.

"Oh, n-nothing," he stuttered, his blush immediately fading. "Just plotting another insult, you know?"

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