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Ship(s): Drarry, Blairon, Pansmione

Ft: sad gogy (nvm my dsmp phase)

Summary: it harry's birthday aka drarry's 10-year anniversary although harry's not sure draco remembers that :'D

More Info: NO DRAMA AGAIN *sob* dont worry there will be in the next chapter >:D

Warnings: Swearing


Author's Note: guys im just so bad at writing romantic stuff. please.

Word Count: 2.5k


Morning [george weasley]


Harry woke up in excitement. It was his birthday today, which was also the day he and Draco had gotten together. Today was special, however. It was their ten-year anniversary and Harry genuinely wished Draco had gotten him something big.

He walked into the kitchen groggily, rubbing his eyes. Draco was making breakfast in the kitchen like he did each morning. Harry walked over and slumped his head on the taller male's shoulder, making Draco jump.

"Haz!" Draco yelped. Harry rolled his head over as he hugged Draco closer, slightly disappointed as he expected a "Happy birthday" or "Happy anniversary".

"Do you remember what day it is today?" Harry whispered, just to make sure. Draco looked at him with confusion written all over his face.

"It's Tuesday, Haz," Draco shrugged as he continued to flip his food around. "What's wrong?"

Harry's heart sank as he pulled away from Draco, frowning at him. "Do you really no-"

"Breakfast's ready!" Draco cut him off in a hurry as he quickly put the food into plates, pecking Harry's cheek with a quick smile. "I'll set it up. You can go wake the others."

Trying not to seem too disappointed, Harry forced a smile and nodded before turning around to go upstairs. He knocked on Ron and Blaise's room door and found a sleepy Blaise opening the door with a dirty top on.

"I'm coming, yes," Blaise slurred. "Ron's still sleeping. I'll get him later when he wakes up and stops sleep-talking about chicken legs."

"Sure," Harry shrugged, chuckling. Had Blaise forgotten, too? Usually he'd say happy birthday first thing when he saw Harry. Turning to go to Pansy and Hermione's room, he kept his head down, trying to hide the solemn look that was on his face.

"Pans? 'Mione?" Harry whispered into gap of the door as he knocked. Pansy slammed the door open, startling Harry.

"Shhh, we're trying to sleep," Pansy hissed sarcastically before the door was suddenly in is face once again. Harry opened his mouth but closed it again. He shrugged it off - typical Pansy. He bit his lip and sulked down the stairs. No one remembers.

"Why looking so down?" Draco frowned as he pulled Harry to him by the waists and nuzzled his head into Harry's neck affectionately. Harry smiled slightly at the interaction and rubbed Draco's wrists.

"Nothing," he said. Something.

"That's good then," Draco let go of Harry. "Did you call the others?"

"Hermione and Pansy wanted to sleep. Ron is still asleep and Blaise doesn't want to wake him at the moment," Harry shrugged. Draco sighed.

"Never mind, I'll go call them," Draco said. "You can sit down first."

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