« ✑ » Chapter 7 - The Recap

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Mark, Felix and (Y/n) had taken Seán to the garden, a much brighter and more open space, which seemed to calm the latter down significantly. They had all settled down on a large patch of grass and were currently in the process of catching Seán up to speed.

"So how long have you guys been awake for?" Seán asked Mark and Felix.

"A little over a year for me, so... around the same time as you, I guess," Mark replied.

"Since 2023, for me..." Felix said slowly.

"What year is it now?" Seán looked slightly alarmed.

"3035," (Y/n) said. "Man, you guys are old..." she muttered.

"Good grief!" Seán exclaimed. "We were only put under, what? 2021? '22 at best?"

"Something like that," Mark laughed.

"So... Does that mean Dark has been king since we were put under?" Seán asked.

"Sort of," Felix said. "I awoke just as The Opposing was coming to an end... the great battle between humans and demons that immediately followed The Great Rising- when all of demonkind first passed into this plane."

"Do you guys mind if I change the subject for a moment?" (Y/n) asked. Nobody objected. "And... sorry if this is a kind of personal question, but what was the world like before the New Dark Ages? What were your lives like?"

"Well, our demons certainly were the ones who brought us together, that's for sure..." Felix muttered lightheartedly.

"Yeah. I'm glad that we became friends, really I am, but if I could go back and avoid everything that led up to it..." Mark trailed off.

"I would, too..." Seán quietly agreed.

(Y/n) felt as though she shouldn't press for answers, but Felix continued anyway.

"I began having these intense, extremely vivid nightmares of an eerie place I had never seen before," he said.

"We all did, around the same time, too." Seán added. "And during the day I would experience these horrible intrusive thoughts and eventually I suffered from episodes of psychosis-"

"-And blackouts where long periods of time were unaccounted for in my memory," Mark continued. "Sometimes I would wake up in a place I didn't know, or somewhere that was miles away from where I was pre-blackout."

"We all eventually met at a group-therapy session and discovered that our experiences were uncannily similar. We kept in touch long after our recoveries, even after we all moved away from each other." Felix said.

"Then a couple of years later... it all came back very suddenly," Mark added slowly. "Nothing seemed to have triggered it, but there I was- blackouts, psychosis, the nightmares. All of it came flooding back at once and at a million percent."

"And Seán and I were experiencing the same thing," Felix revealed.

"But by the time we realised that this was bigger than any of us... Dark had taken full control of Mark's body, and soon after he helped Anti and Die do the same to us," Seán said.

"And the New Dark Ages start from there. But you also asked what the world was like before all that, didn't you?" Felix remembered. (Y/n) nodded.

"It was brighter," Seán said. "Much, much brighter. More lively, more beautiful..."

"Plants grew much quicker and lusher, and animals were more abundant. I was a botanist by trade, but even in my spare time, I spent much of my life in nature." Felix said. "Now, all that knowledge is useful for is assisting Die in his potion-making."

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